Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panasonic DT-51DX80a Issues




I am having an issue with a TV that was given to me. I was wondering i
anyone might be able to give me some help before i decided to shed ou
money I can't afford to spend on a repairmen that might be something t
do myself thats easy.

The TV has the following issues:

1. It turns itself off at random times, usually 30+ minutes after bein

2. The screen is blurry, and also has a sort of a double imageing ove
it. like the RGB projectors are not aligned up properly.

3. Also at times the picture can become crooked "Trapezoidal" (sp?)

Other than that The TV does work, but this issues just started occurin
no more than a week ago.

I have tried googling around and was lucky enough to find this foru
and that maybe someone could help me out.

I have no service manual just an owners manual which is not much help.

Thank You