Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Panasonic 32" dead.



M # CT-32SL14J Ch # AP 411, relay just clicks on, & off repeatedly at
plug in. Nothing
gone in the power supply, or horizontal, & the SMPS isn't oscillating,
getting almost no
output on all secondaries. Looks like the Micro, & EEPROM are bad, &
Panasonic Tech
just confirmed this. The Micro is a 64 pin QIP. Pretty hard to change.
Have you guys seen
many of these sets go bad like this? Thanks, Dani.


quirk of fate

static event perhaps, or some random piece of iron filings/manufacturing
solder balls shook loose and went where it should not have

these things usually just dont fail like u describe

or could be one of those chip failures of the 1 in ten million of the MTBF
actualy occured, & u the winner!

i would surmise it was a power glitch or out of bounds power supply
excursion that did the nasty.