Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ozone generator unable to reset"Service light"

I need your guidance please.
Can someone please direct me to an electronic repairer/programmer in Australia S
area who can help resolve my problem.
I have a number of Ozone generators that worked well all those years a go but now 10 years later it appears the "service light" can not be reset. I suspect the original programming had time limitation.
The microcontroller in question is ST62T32B. Is it possible to compare the programing code/values/parameters from a working microcontroller with microcontroller that has a "service light" eliminated.
Would this help the technician to identify and fix the problem?
I apologise if I'm not using the right terminology, I'm totally new to electronics and I don't know where to ask for help.
You don't give the make/model of the ozone generator......

....but, if, as you claim, the manufacturers put a time limit in the coding then they did that for a good reason. Do you know what that reason may be? Perhaps running them beyond the manufacturers set time limit is dangerous???? You could be setting yourself open to legal action if you 'modify' the software to over ride any safety parameters.
thank you kellys_eye.
The Ozone generator model is "The Ozone Doctor". the business name was also "The Ozone Doctor". It was meant to be franchised business but it failed before it even started. The Ozone generator was allegedly made in Australia but there is no evidence of the manufacturers name on any internal components.
The "Service light" idea was to alert the user that the Corona cell was contaminated with dust so the generator was not producing maximum Ozone quantity. The serviceman was meant to clean the cell and charge the end user for the service. In reality there was no practical way to clean the cell so we would only blow the dust with compressed air and reset the service light. In the past I used this method number of times with success.
This reset method no longer works after the first time the "Service light" lights up. This is why I suspect its a software time issue. I think the manufacturer has built in the expiry date in the software wheatear machine is used or not.
I have 3 Ozone generators with some use up to 25 hours maximum and I have new unused Ozone generators that have not ben used at all. My conclusion is base on using the new Ozone generator for only less than 10 hours and the "Service light comes on for the first time and than it can not be reset.
Most other Ozone generators do not have the service light at all as the cell can not be cleaned anyway.
Thank you for your help.
What is the Actual Ozone Generator on this unit?
A HV Arc or UV Tubes?

I have lots of UV Tubes for generating Ozone.
They just look like a Florescent Tube, But with Clear Glass. (No White Coating)
I suspect that the repeated build up of dust has left deposits that air-blowing aren't getting rid of thus the reset function is not working.

Have you tried dismantling the relevant surfaces and cleaning with IPA?
Thank you ALL for your input.
The Ozone generator is HV Ark method.
There is no air filtration on the unit.
I did not open the unit to clean the dust built up. The fan does not show a lot of dust built up.
I don't think the problem is the dust built up because I swapped the microchip from the new unused machine in to the used machine with the "Service light on" The Ozone generator powered up with the Service light off and it functions properly as was meant to work.
I then installed the micro processor from the Ozone generator that had the "Service light ON" to the new unused Ozone generator but the machine would not power on and the "Service light stayed on.
This is why I'm asking for your guidance. I'm not looking to fix it myself, I just need to know where to take the generator/micro controller to be fixed.
I don't know what business to search for. If I search for "Programmers" - I get computer Programmers, If I search for Electronic repairers - I get Household white goods and Audio Visual installers.
What business category should I be searching for in Sydney Australia?

Many tanks in advance.
What, precisely, is the actual method used to 'reset the service light'?

How does the device detect that a service is required? i.e. what input signal is applied to the μC to tell it that a fault has occurred?
I Doubt Anyone (except the Manufacture) can FIX the Micro processor as only the Manufacturer would know the coding for it. I have built numerous Arc types of Ozone Generators, but not with using a micro processor.

You Might try to Contact This Company for help.
The Ozone Doctor The Ozone Doctor
Level 2 262 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
I think you should always use filters in these devices, the high voltage inside the tube will attract the dust like crazy.