Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ozone Generator Quit


Mike Monett

Are there any ozone gurus here?

I'm trying to get my ozone generator working again. It is simple
aluminum screening hot glued to both sides of ordinary window glass.

Bob Wilson posted very good info to sed on ozone generators some
time ago, so I know it's not ideal, but it's good enough to get

The original version used a 10KV ignition transformer. With the
lights out, you could barely see a pale blue corona covering part of
the screen. A rubber band left on the surface was affected by the
ozone after a few minutes, and simply fell apart into fragments. So
it was making ozone.

I modified an ordinary PC power supply to generate variable
frequency and duty cycle pulses. The maximum output is 330V p-p at
an amp or so. A load bank of four parallel 100W light bulbs in
series with the AC input limits the current, and I unscrew them as
needed. A variac lowers the input voltage for testing purposes.

The high voltage transformer is taken from a neon sign power supply.
It is made from two ferrite U-sections epoxied together with the
high voltage winding on one side and the primary on the other side.
I have no idea of the inductance or turns ratio. It will start an
arc across a 1.5 inch gap, so it makes some serious high voltage.

When it is connected to the ozone generator, there are several
resonance points somewhere between 400Hz and 4KHz where the bulbs
light up very bright. I'm not sure why there are multiple
resonances, and I don't have the necessary instrumentation right now
to learn more.

However, just below each resonance, a very strong corona completely
covers the surface of the generator with a pale blue light. It is
much stronger than the corona from the 10KV, 60Hz transformer.

The MOSFETS get very warm, so I will have to use a much bigger heat
sink than comes with the regular PC power supply. No doubt they are
switching some serious reactive power, but again I lack the
instrumentation to find out more. SPICE clearly shows the behavior
under these conditions, so I'm not surprised or alarmed.

When it is running, there is a strong smell usually associated with
ozone, but placing a rubber band on the generator now has no effect.

I went back to the original 10KV version. It acts the same as
before, but it doesn't generate any ozone either. The rubber bands
are not affected in the slightest by either version.

I tried dusting a piece of scotch tape with Tumeric, which is an
Indian spice used in making curry. This is supposed to turn from
brilliant yellow to transparent when exposed to ozone. Nothing

The humidity is between 45% and 55%, and the temperature is normal
room temperature. These are not the best conditions for generating
ozone, but there should be some.

Does anyone have any idea why I'm not getting any ozone?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Mike Monett

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