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Maker Pro

Owning ADT's Equipment after agreement is over



ADT Security Victoria B.C.

When I first had my ADT system installed the sales rep clearly stated
to me that when i complete my three year contract I could choose not to
renew and I would own the equipment. After three years of hell with ADT
(system never worked, they had wrong contact numbers, pet sensitive
motion sensor was not pet sensitive..and on and on i could go) we
fullfilled our end and definatly wanted to not renew.

We were then informed that ADT will be sending a teck out to remove the
system because they still owned it. I would not let then into my house,
so ADT called into my system and erased the programming. In so doing
this they also disabled the smoke detector which was part of the
system. They did this without notifing if a fire started ...I
guess ADT would not care if we died in it.

As for the system never working correctly, their excuse was that the
sales person we had, had been let go because he was selling system
setups that would not work properly(our system was suppose to be
partitioned to supply a suite in our house as well as our upper
residence),Well i happened to go to a home show today and guess who was
working their table? you got it the sales person who we had been told
was "fired". We got a security system to keep the crooks out and it
turns out ADT were the biggist crooks of them all.

P.S. if i never owned the equipment, when I add up the installation
recipts they must charge their install tecks out at over $125 an
hour.Also in my city the police have stopped responding to home alarm
systems due to too many false alarms. This happened with 8 months left
in our contract.

ADT answer to this was to try and charge us an additional $25 a month
on top of the $32 i was allready paying to have a private security
company respond if there was an alarm. I refused to pay the additional
fee since that was what the original $32 contract was for. So for the
last 8 months of the contract I had to pay ADT for what amounts to no

Jody R

Bob Worthy

Back to the IQ thing. The system never worked but he still wanted to use it
and wouldn't let ADT in to collect it. Sonicduck salesman told them anything
to get the deal and they never read what they signed. A hustlers dream. Go
to Home Depot and buy a smoke detector. Oh I forgot, you already got one for
"free". ADT's monitoring function did not stop. The police stopped and I am
not sure that is entirely true. ADT would have dispatched anyone you desired
especially after all of your personal involvement with the no response issue
at your local city counsel meetings. Oh, you didn't gewt involved, maybe you
should have. And besides, the fire department did not stop responding to
smoke detectors and the police are still going to emergency button calls.