Maker Pro
Maker Pro

OWI Robotic Arm Edge-535

Hi, I'm Blitzkrieg, I recently bought an OWI Robotic Arm Edge and set it up. Now, for the first three minutes, it worked perfectly; things went back and forth, up and down, all around. Then everything stopped going down. All the switches making the motor go one way (up) worked. All the switches making it go the other way (down) just didn't do anything. I took the Motor Boxes apart to exposed the motors, then I clicked the switches again; all of the motors rotated one way, but when I pushed the other side of the switch it either did nothing, or ran slowly and died. Any suggestions? I've heard of changing batteries and checking soldering, both of which seem fine. Thanks!
By the way, I have seen this link


welcome to EP :)

I recently bought an OWI Robotic Arm Edge and set it up. Now, for the first three minutes, it worked perfectly; things went back and forth, up and down, all around. Then everything stopped going down. All the switches making the motor go one way (up) worked. All the switches making it go the other way (down) just didn't do anything

So, did you read the first fault comments in that link you provided, and do as suggested ?