Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Oscilloscope probe question.

I'm thinking of getting a 50mhz oscilloscope. 2nd hand of course,till I learn how to use one. My question is....does it have to be a 50mhz probe I get for it as they seem to be thin on the ground?

Thanks in advance for the help.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
To get the full bandwidth out of your scope, you would use 50MHz or higher probes.

As a beginner, unless you're measuring very high frequencies or very fast rise times, you can probably get by with almost any set of probes.

The cheap options on eBay are:
  • new Chinese imports (of uncertain quality)
  • second hand brand name probes (make sure they're in working condition)
  • NOS brand name probes.
When I got my 60MHz scope (without probes) I managed to pick up a set of NOS HP probes. They did cost me more than the scope, but the scope was pretty cheap :)

edit: On ebay, notice the difference in price between probes described as being "for HP or Tektronix" vs those that are described as either HP or Tektronix probes.

If buying a second hand probe, make sure that the ground clip is included. This is the short (typically black) lead connected near the pointy end of the probe with an alligator clip on it.
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Cool. I'll pick a set of 100mhz probes up on eBay for £10 or whatever. I'm just learning so any set will do me for now as long as they'll work. I've bid £40 for a Tenma 72 -6815 50mhz on eBay. For £50 all in I'll take a punt its going to work,if not I'll have fun trying to "fix" it.
Thank again Steve,much appreciated! :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There's 2 of them listed. One shows a wider trace than the other. It might be out of focus, has a noisy input, or something else.

I hope you get it. Let us know if you do and we can help you check it out if you don't know what to do.
I bid for the one with the wider trace.

The other one already had a bid on it and I didn't want to bid up on something I know zip about.
Do you think I'd be better trying for the other one?

Thanks for the help,I really know zip about oscilloscopes.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It may just be badly adjusted (the focus is a front panel control).

The big question is how much they will go for. They were apparently sold new up to only a couple of years ago.

Check out how much they've sold for recently and whether they've attracted more than 1 bid.

They end at pretty much the same time, so you need to ask yourself if you can risk winning both. I'd probably stick with the same one, but bid a few more times to encourage others to bid for the other one :)
I hope I win too! Or else I'll have a set of probes and no scope! :)

I got a pair of the £10 100Mhz ones. I'll just stick with the one I bid for then. Should be ok...if not I can annoy you guys on how to fix it! Ha Ha!

Kellys eye will know...he knows everything! :)

Thank you very much for the help! I'll let you know if I get it.

Bed time for me Zzzzz!
Oh I doubt that. I think that unless someone's been inside with a chain saw or something I'm sure if I posted a couple photos you guys would tell me how to fix it. Me carrying out those instructions could be the week point! :oops:

I'll know about 4 o'clock this afternoon if I win it. :)
The other 1 went for £53! I think the same person who was after the one I got went after the other 1 too! I think they lost out twice. Just hope the scopes worth it :)

To be honest so long as it works I'll tune it up best I can with some expert knowledge on offer from the guys here. It'll be fine for learning on. May even turn out to be better than a banger. We'll see soon enough. :)