Maker Pro
Maker Pro

op-amp integrator with reset

Hello! I'm new in electronics. I have a sine wave on the input and my task is to obtain a triangle wave with spikes (exponential function on trailing edge) on the output. (See pic. Attach 1)

I have tried to solve this problem. (See pic. Attach 2) Firstly, due to big values of gain of op-amp 741 I obtain a squre wave. Then with the help of inverting op-amp 741 gave the inverse. After that I have tried to integrate my signal via integrator on op-amp 741 with reset on FET 2N3819. Switching diode is 1N4148.
I cannot calculate the right circuit parameters (RC time constants). Also I do not understand the role of passive differentiator on the reset input (that was the tip of my teacher).

Please help me to buit the scheme for signal conversion! Thanks.


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  • sinetotriangle.png
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