Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Onkyo TX-DS 575 / Integra DTR 5 in circuit protection mode

I've got an Integra DTR-5 (nearly identical to the Onkyo TX-DS 575)
thats in circuit protection mode (immediately goes into standby as soon
as the the power switch is pressed on, and opens the main power relay).
There is nothing connected to the receiver. Jammy Harbin's reply on a
identical subject back on 8/20/04 stated "DC bias on the output,
Shorted finals...". With it disconnected from power, I ohm'ed the
speaker terminals - all the black neg terminals are about .2-.4 ohms,
and the red pos terminals are infinite. What exactly do I check, and
how do I check it? Can DC bias be checked while in circuit protection
mode? I don't see any popped capacitors, burnt chips, or cracked
traces, but I should probably get a brighter light. Can the output amps
be checked in circuit?

I've got the service manual and schematics (I can scan and post
specific schematics if necessary), and am comfortable with following
electronics kits, but am new at troubleshooting. If I remove the fuse
which connects the main transformer and then power on, it stays out of
circuit protection (the main power relay stays closed). Thanks for any


Arfa Daily

I've got an Integra DTR-5 (nearly identical to the Onkyo TX-DS 575)
thats in circuit protection mode (immediately goes into standby as soon
as the the power switch is pressed on, and opens the main power relay).
There is nothing connected to the receiver. Jammy Harbin's reply on a
identical subject back on 8/20/04 stated "DC bias on the output,
Shorted finals...". With it disconnected from power, I ohm'ed the
speaker terminals - all the black neg terminals are about .2-.4 ohms,
and the red pos terminals are infinite. What exactly do I check, and
how do I check it? Can DC bias be checked while in circuit protection
mode? I don't see any popped capacitors, burnt chips, or cracked
traces, but I should probably get a brighter light. Can the output amps
be checked in circuit?

I've got the service manual and schematics (I can scan and post
specific schematics if necessary), and am comfortable with following
electronics kits, but am new at troubleshooting. If I remove the fuse
which connects the main transformer and then power on, it stays out of
circuit protection (the main power relay stays closed). Thanks for any

The most likely scenario is that it is detecting a DC offset on one of the
channels, but if you are new to faultfinding, you will probably struggle to
get to the bottom of the problem with any certainty that you can confidently
switch back on, without finishing up with another pile of dead components.
The reason that you read infinity on the speaker lives, is because these are
connected to the output stages via the output relay(s), which will be
remaining open, if the unit is in protect.

To check for DC offset, you need to measure at the output transistors'
midpoint, which will be at the junction of the two low value emitter
resistors (assuming that the amp uses conventional output devices, and not
an STK hybrid). At idle, you should have zero volts, or very very close to
zero, on this point. If you find any offset on any channel, then it's likely
that one or other or both of the output transistors has failed, but that is
unlikely to be the end of the story. With a DC coupled amp, the problem can
be coming from virtually anywhere right back to the front end, and other
transistors besides the outputs, will likely be faulty. If it does use an
STK hybrid - and I seem to recall that Onkyos don't - then any DC offset
will normally be cured, without any other issues, by simply replacing it. If
you don't detect any offset, then the problem is with the protect circuit
itself (not unusual), but sometimes, these monitor many parameters, and can
be an absolute bitch to troubleshoot.

If you have a full-rail offset on all channels - say +45v - then look for a
missing negative rail or vice versa.

I don't mean to put you off, but honestly, if you are new to faultfinding,
this kind of project is not something I would recommend to a beginner. Most
of us who are involved in repairing this kind of gear daily, bypass the
power switching, and use a variac to bring up the supply slowly, so that we
can measure what's going on (wrong !!) before all those shiny new
transistors fail again ... Good luck with it.

The most likely scenario is that it is detecting a DC offset on one of the
channels, but if you are new to faultfinding, you will probably struggle to
get to the bottom of the problem with any certainty that you can confidently
switch back on, without finishing up with another pile of dead components.
The reason that you read infinity on the speaker lives, is because these are
connected to the output stages via the output relay(s), which will be
remaining open, if the unit is in protect.

Thanks for the concern. It's already a dead pile of parts, so I might
as well learn something new. :) Saw the relays. That explains that...
The receiver has separate front channel and center/surround channel amp
transistor boards. I think it's been narrowed down to the surround
board - when I unplug the surround board's rail power, the circuit
protection does not kick in. I tried to catch the offset voltages on
the surround board before the protection kicks in, but the DMM doesn't
register fast enough.
To check for DC offset, you need to measure at the output transistors'
midpoint, which will be at the junction of the two low value emitter
resistors (assuming that the amp uses conventional output devices, and not
an STK hybrid). At idle, you should have zero volts, or very very close to
zero, on this point. If you find any offset on any channel, then it's likely
that one or other or both of the output transistors has failed, but that is
unlikely to be the end of the story.

Thanks - I see that (.22 ohm middle tapped resistors after the amp
stages, but before the coils). I've got to get external voltage to the
surround board rails somehow. The rails are 45V, but would driving them
at 12V (two 12V batteries, one for each rail, to give 24V delta)
provide enough voltage for a diagnosis?
With a DC coupled amp, the problem can
be coming from virtually anywhere right back to the front end, and other
transistors besides the outputs, will likely be faulty. If it does use an
STK hybrid - and I seem to recall that Onkyos don't - then any DC offset
will normally be cured, without any other issues, by simply replacing it. If
you don't detect any offset, then the problem is with the protect circuit
itself (not unusual), but sometimes, these monitor many parameters, and can
be an absolute bitch to troubleshoot.

This receiver has the C5198 and A1941 transistors attached to the heat
sinks (no STK's that I can see). It's a 5 channel + sub pre-out, along
with separate two channel B speakers (quasi-multi room). The surround
output circuit is fed by a LC4966 chip, which is fed by an M62447SP
chip (that feeds the front and center amp circuits directly as well).
Data sheets show the LC4966 as a quad bilateral switch and the M62447SP
as a 6 channele electric volume chip. Hopefully it's something on the
transistor board. I can almost follow analog circuits, and get a
concept of whats going on... I'd love to power each individual channel,
but there is one feed to the entire surround board, and the rest are
PCB traces and hard jumpers soldered in place (which I suppose I could
unsolder, if thats what I'm supposed to do).
If you have a full-rail offset on all channels - say +45v - then look for a
missing negative rail or vice versa.

Thanks - will check.
I don't mean to put you off, but honestly, if you are new to faultfinding,
this kind of project is not something I would recommend to a beginner. Most
of us who are involved in repairing this kind of gear daily, bypass the
power switching, and use a variac to bring up the supply slowly, so that we
can measure what's going on (wrong !!) before all those shiny new
transistors fail again ... Good luck with it.

I appreciate the advice, and love a challenge. I wish I had a Variac (I
see many flavors on Ebay, for $10=$100+) or knew of someone locally
(Farmington, CT) that had one, but I'll have to figure out another way
to bring up the supply voltages gradually. It's been a good learning
experience so far, and if this works, I've got a bookshelf system the
lost its right channel after it was dropped that would be nice to use
in the bedroom, and another one for the basement exercise room. I think
every point you mentioned generated about 2 hours of googling,
schematics, and testing, but I'm more comfortable already, and feel
like I'm starting to get the concepts. Thanks again!


Arfa Daily

Thanks for the concern. It's already a dead pile of parts, so I might
as well learn something new. :) Saw the relays. That explains that...
The receiver has separate front channel and center/surround channel amp
transistor boards. I think it's been narrowed down to the surround
board - when I unplug the surround board's rail power, the circuit
protection does not kick in. I tried to catch the offset voltages on
the surround board before the protection kicks in, but the DMM doesn't
register fast enough.

Thanks - I see that (.22 ohm middle tapped resistors after the amp
stages, but before the coils). I've got to get external voltage to the
surround board rails somehow. The rails are 45V, but would driving them
at 12V (two 12V batteries, one for each rail, to give 24V delta)
provide enough voltage for a diagnosis?

This receiver has the C5198 and A1941 transistors attached to the heat
sinks (no STK's that I can see). It's a 5 channel + sub pre-out, along
with separate two channel B speakers (quasi-multi room). The surround
output circuit is fed by a LC4966 chip, which is fed by an M62447SP
chip (that feeds the front and center amp circuits directly as well).
Data sheets show the LC4966 as a quad bilateral switch and the M62447SP
as a 6 channele electric volume chip. Hopefully it's something on the
transistor board. I can almost follow analog circuits, and get a
concept of whats going on... I'd love to power each individual channel,
but there is one feed to the entire surround board, and the rest are
PCB traces and hard jumpers soldered in place (which I suppose I could
unsolder, if thats what I'm supposed to do).

Thanks - will check.

I appreciate the advice, and love a challenge. I wish I had a Variac (I
see many flavors on Ebay, for $10=$100+) or knew of someone locally
(Farmington, CT) that had one, but I'll have to figure out another way
to bring up the supply voltages gradually. It's been a good learning
experience so far, and if this works, I've got a bookshelf system the
lost its right channel after it was dropped that would be nice to use
in the bedroom, and another one for the basement exercise room. I think
every point you mentioned generated about 2 hours of googling,
schematics, and testing, but I'm more comfortable already, and feel
like I'm starting to get the concepts. Thanks again!

The very first thing I would now do, before going any further, would be
simple ohms checks on the output transistors, and those 0.22 ohm emitter
reistors that you found. You may well find shorted devices quite quickly.
The chances are that only one channel out of the 5 main ones, has failed.
This means that you probably have an identical channel that is perfectly OK,
and will serve as a reference channel for comparative ohms checks. If you
find shorted outputs, initially, just remove them, and re-power the unit.
You will probably find that it then comes up OK on the other channels. You
can then go ahead and replace the faulty transistors, but do not then
repower with full input voltage, as there will almost certainly be other
issues that will reblow the outputs.

In order to carry out further checks safely, you will need to get the rails
on the output stages down at a very low level. This is where I would be
using my variac, but in order to do this, it is first necessary to bypass
the main power relay. To do this, simply solder temporary wire links across
the relay switch contact pins. If you do not have a variac, a crude but
effective way of reducing the input voltage to the unit, is to string 40
watt light bulbs in series - say 3 initially -and in series with the power
input. If you feel that you will be going down this route, you might want to
give this a try before fitting new output transistors, just to see what sort
of levels you get, as this will depend a lot on the idle power consumption
of the unit.

Once you have established low rails - say +/- 10v - you can start making
voltage checks to ground between similar points on a working channel, and
the (possibly) repaired one. If there are any significant differences, chase
them down, and replace the faulty components. You may well be looking at
driver transistors, coupling resistors to the bases of the output
transistors, output transistor emitter resistors ( the 0.22's ) and possibly
pre-driver transistors. If all voltages look similar between the reference
and repair channels, and the mid-point volts are zero or very close, you can
reduce the number of light bulbs by one, to bring the voltage up a bit
higher. Always re-check all the voltages each time you increase the input
volts, and let it run for at least 5 minutes, checking the output transistor
temperatures, all the time.

Trust me, it probably won't be an easy ride, and it's not a very good
project to pick as a starter, but you seem to have the enthusiasm and at
least a basic understanding of what you're doing, and as you say, you
haven't got a lot to lose by having a go. Again, good luck ...


Mark D. Zacharias

I've got an Integra DTR-5 (nearly identical to the Onkyo TX-DS 575)
thats in circuit protection mode (immediately goes into standby as
soon as the the power switch is pressed on, and opens the main power
relay). There is nothing connected to the receiver. Jammy Harbin's
reply on a identical subject back on 8/20/04 stated "DC bias on the
output, Shorted finals...". With it disconnected from power, I ohm'ed
the speaker terminals - all the black neg terminals are about .2-.4
ohms, and the red pos terminals are infinite. What exactly do I
check, and how do I check it? Can DC bias be checked while in circuit
protection mode? I don't see any popped capacitors, burnt chips, or
cracked traces, but I should probably get a brighter light. Can the
output amps be checked in circuit?

I've got the service manual and schematics (I can scan and post
specific schematics if necessary), and am comfortable with following
electronics kits, but am new at troubleshooting. If I remove the fuse
which connects the main transformer and then power on, it stays out of
circuit protection (the main power relay stays closed). Thanks for
any help!


The most likely scenario is one or more bad muting transistors. It's a
fairly vommon problem on these - usually caused by a mild lightning strike
or perhaps a static shock somewhere along the line.

I'll research the parts - there's about 10 transistors involved, and
troubleshooting down to the individual bad one(s) is pretty difficult - and

The good news is the parts are cheap.

Mark Z.

Mark D. Zacharias

The most likely scenario is one or more bad muting transistors. It's a
fairly common problem on these - usually caused by a mild lightning strike
or perhaps a static shock somewhere along the line.
I'll research the parts - there's about 10 transistors involved, and
troubleshooting down to the individual bad one(s) is pretty difficult - and
The good news is the parts are cheap.

Here's your part numbers: The parts are on the U1 board, a vertical pc
board - of which there are 2 if memory serves - it's the larger board.

Q3383, Q3684, Q3183 - 221631
Q3483, Q3683, Q3583, Q3283 - 2213632
Q3186 - 2215960
Q3187 - 2215780
Q3188 - 221282

Certainly check for any emitter - collector shorts first. Also, There are
substitute part numbers for some of these - Onkyo can fill in the subs when
you call them.
Their US number is 800-229-1687 - option 5 for parts department.

Mark Z.
Thanks again for the pointers. I checked the .2ohm resistors, and
although I wasn't able to check all of them, one may have been shorted.
It's in a tough spot to get at with the DMM probe (which may have been
grounding out somewhere else), so I'll remove everything from the
chassis. That looks to be a pain, but I think if I'm going to end up
replacing components, I'll have to do that anyways.

The U1 board is the pre-amplifier board (vertical, on the front channel
side of the unit, parallel to the heaat sinks). Your memory is spot on!
I found the offending transistors on the schematic, and will add that
to the list of things to check. It's odd that the circuit protection
would kick in only when the surround board is plugged in. Q3684 was
easy to get to, while still int he chassis, and seems "normal" with the
DMM. B-E and B-C was .2Mohm's (and .6-.8V in diode mode), and C-E
65KOhms and dropping (I see a 56K and a 1K resistor in series across
the C-E circuit). If the muting circuit goes, do all the diodes usually
go? I had everything behind a surge protector, but maybe it was junk.
Anyways, you guys gave me another evening of things to do! :) Thanks


Arfa Daily

Thanks again for the pointers. I checked the .2ohm resistors, and
although I wasn't able to check all of them, one may have been shorted.
It's in a tough spot to get at with the DMM probe (which may have been
grounding out somewhere else), so I'll remove everything from the
chassis. That looks to be a pain, but I think if I'm going to end up
replacing components, I'll have to do that anyways.

Just a point. The 0.22's *should* read short circuit or thereabouts - 0.22
ohms is almost a piece of wire ... What you are looking for with those is
them having gone open circuit, which they often will if the transistors
attached to them, are short circuit ( path = "+" rail, Tr C-E s/c, 0.22R,
0.22R, Tr C-E s/c, "-" rail ) = lots of current between rails, = blown
emitter resistors.

As far as your meter probes go, I keep a piece of silicone rubber sleeving
over my probes, so that only the last 1mm is exposed. I also keep them filed
up to a needle point, which helps to stop them slipping.
