Maker Pro
Maker Pro

OneWire Forum

I desperately need a self help community for the Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire (OneWIre) system. There doesn't seem to be any such community at present (not that I can find, in any case). I am having difficulty getting Maxim's code to work. I have asked Maxim Support for help, and they are trying, but they say "they have lost all the expertise on this old technology" so they are not coming up with answers. I'm sure if there was a community of users of the OneWire system, one of them would certainly know the answers to my questiosn. I have been considering setting up a forum myself for this puirpose, but it would be much better part of an already established community. Is adding a forum (with maybe several sub-forums) for OneWIre something that Electronics-Point might consider? If so I would be happy to help set it up and administer it, if that would be helpful.

If you are asking yourself "what the *** is OneWire", it is a bus consisting of one wire for data (in both directions), plus of course an earth return wire. The data wire can also carry power. There are lots of devices made by Maxim that are compatible with the bus (for temperature sensors, digital input output modules, non-volatile memory etc.), and my plan is to design more using a single chip micro (maybe PIC or something similar) plus I2C sensors for atmospheric pressure, humidity, solar radiation, UV factor, anemometer, wind direction etc. Although the OneWIre technology is old, it is still serviceable for simple slow speed distrributed systems (such as weather stations or house energy monitoring systems).

So, is this something that you would be happy to do?

Thanks - Rowan
Have you tried Maxim's OneWire datasheet? What exactly is your difficulty, is it protocol or is it hardware?
I have all sorts of documents from Maxim. No doubt I have the data sheet. The specific issue that I have now is that I need to use Maxim's OneWire Public Domain API, and I can't get it to build successfully with Visual Studio. I would like to find someone who has done this and knows how to do it, to help me put my finger on what I am doing wrong. I have asked Maxim Support, and they say they can't get it to build either.

A visual studio forum should be able to help if if the problem is getting the code to compile.



Is adding a forum (with maybe several sub-forums) for OneWIre something that Electronics-Point might consider? If so I would be happy to help set it up and administer it, if that would be helpful.

Unless there was a large demand for OneWire threads, we wouldn't be able to create a forum category for it specifically - as it would likely remain very quiet. I understand why it would be good to have one, but we could easily apply the same logic to so many topics/technologies we get on the forums - we've kept it fairly broad deliberately. If the site becomes much busier, we could end up creating plenty more categories for specialist topics - but for now it's not practical.

Try creating a thread in one of the main sections with OneWire in the title, along with some code and perhaps someone is familiar :).
It has been a while since I used VS but if you cut/paste the error window and/or describe how the compile fails I would be happy to try and help.
Be quite specific on how it fails to build. Does VS crash or does it spew out error messages.
The most likely cause of failed builds is normally missing header files and/or libraries.
Are you sure the source is for VS and not for a different platform?
Links to the source could also help then, if I have some time, I could try to build them.
Note also indicate which version of Windows and VS you are using. I think I still have a license for VS 2013 and I run windows 7 (not 8 or 10 as most of my use of windows is for a specific set of programs that don't run on Linux).