Maker Pro
Maker Pro

OneWire, DS18B20, DS9490R, Windows command line

I need a Windows command line program that will read the temperature from a Dallas/Maxim DS18B20 sensor connected to the Windows PC via a OneWire and a DS9490R USB-to-OneWire interface, and return the temperature in stdout. I will provide the address of the sensor as a command line argument. It just needs to do this once when I run it (it will be called from a higher level program that organises the sampling interval, logs the results to a database etc.). Ideally it will run in Windows 8.1 X64, to avoid having to set up a VM with a different version of Windows (more complication I don't need). Does anyone know of something like this? I have tried to write this in C, using Maxim's OneWire Public Domain API, but I'm getting all sorts of problems. I know the hardware is working because OneWireViewer will find the sensor and return the temperatures fine. Ideally the program I'm looking for will have source code available, so that I can extend it to read atmospheric pressure (from a BMP280) and humidity (from a Sensirion SHT31-DIS-F),

If this doesn't currently exist, can you please suggest the easiest way of writing it? Is there some source code