Maker Pro
Maker Pro

One of the best energy efficiency products



Steve said:
This product is best at reducing the weight of your wallet, it does nothing
for fuel mileage. SCAM!

Well, one could argue that the reduction in wallet weight would
correspond to an increase in fuel mileage, but the weight of the device
probably negates that if you actually put it on your car...

Anthony Matonak

bob peterson wrote:
I wonder why the FTC does not deal with these type of "offers"? It
should be very easy to prove or disprove such claims.

So many criminals, so little time. :)



I thought i would find people on this type of group with out such
pessimistic outlooks. What basis are you judging these ignorant replys on ?

Do you not like the quality of the flash site ? Or have you just never found
any credable products through a newsgroup ?

I can see how most would consider these products "too good to be true". Give
us an email or a call and we would be glad to answer any questions.

I myself am an affiliate with TFC and I may not be educated enough to answer
all questions but I will do my best and can forward needed inquiries to one
of the managers.



Dave Hinz

I thought i would find people on this type of group with out such
pessimistic outlooks. What basis are you judging these ignorant replys on ?

Because we understand the laws of conservation of energy. Do you not
understand them, or are you trying to find customers who don't? This
group is full of people who not only understand, but do something with
these concepts, and a product which isn't legit is blisteringly
Do you not like the quality of the flash site ? Or have you just never found
any credable products through a newsgroup ?

Nobody that spams is worth buying from, so no. Further, these products
are perfect for their intended purpose, which has nothing to do with
saving energy. TANSTAAFL.
I can see how most would consider these products "too good to be true". Give
us an email or a call and we would be glad to answer any questions.

Uh huh...
I myself am an affiliate with TFC and I may not be educated enough to answer
all questions but I will do my best and can forward needed inquiries to one
of the managers.

Ah, so they've got you to buy into it & spam for them, is that it?

Gordon Richmond

If your "product" is sold by multi-level marketing, it is, by
definition, worthless.

Gordon Richmond

Dave Hinz

If your "product" is sold by multi-level marketing, it is, by
definition, worthless.

Do you think he has the idea, yet, that he's not going to find any
suckers here to buy is stuff?

John W. Hall

If your "product" is sold by multi-level marketing, it is, by
definition, worthless.
I think that's rather unfair.
I suggest that by general agreement, the chances are about 99.999%
that it's worthless.

Robert Morein

Ray said:
I thought i would find people on this type of group with out such
pessimistic outlooks. What basis are you judging these ignorant replys on ?

Do you not like the quality of the flash site ?

I always base my buying decision on the quality of the artwork. Doesn't
everybody? :).

Or have you just never found
any credable products through a newsgroup ?

I can see how most would consider these products "too good to be true". Give
us an email or a call and we would be glad to answer any questions.

I myself am an affiliate with TFC and I may not be educated enough to answer
all questions but I will do my best and can forward needed inquiries to one
of the managers.


Like hell.
You mean to tell us you're merely a dupe, and not a scammer?
Then back out of it and CYA.

You have posted a scam to some of the most knowledgeable engineering people
around. They could serve as expert witnesses if you were indicted.

Harry Chickpea

Robert Morein said:
You have posted a scam to some of the most knowledgeable engineering people
around. They could serve as expert witnesses if you were indicted.

Aww, cummon. You mean you don't believe that putting a circular sticker in the
upper corner of a window will save energy, or putting one under a watch band
will make a person lose weight, or putting one on a vehicle will save gas? The
site has to be a joke. Googling the groups, it was spammed by Ray to just four
newsgroups - &

I suspect someone (stand up and take a bow, Ray) put a lot of effort into a
troll, and rightly considered that engineering types are sometimes slow to get
a joke.

Ray's one response contained this:
"Do you not like the quality of the flash site ? Or have you just never found
any credable products through a newsgroup ?"

OK, Ray, the site has a credible construction for a flash site. Folks who get
suckered into stupid products don't care or even know about the construction of
the site. Was it a homework assignment or do you just have too much time on
your hands?

Robert Morein

Harry Chickpea said:
Aww, cummon. You mean you don't believe that putting a circular sticker in the
upper corner of a window will save energy, or putting one under a watch band
will make a person lose weight, or putting one on a vehicle will save gas? The
site has to be a joke. Googling the groups, it was spammed by Ray to just four
newsgroups - &

I suspect someone (stand up and take a bow, Ray) put a lot of effort into a
troll, and rightly considered that engineering types are sometimes slow to get
a joke.
Aw shucks. And I thought I was a Real Cybercop ;).