Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Older Model Hitachi TV MT-2870

How low a temperature can I operate this TV at? We have it in the garage, in the winter we try and keep the garage around 50F to keep things from freezing. Can I safely operate the old TV at this temperature? Thanks for any input on this.



Its more the humidity that can cause troubles.
When the TV has a CRT tube, there is high voltage that can break at high humidity.

That sets kine / picture tube is of such a LARGE mass, compared to the low level heat that it can / and will s. .l . o . w . l . y create is not a problem.
Your worst case situation, is if you were to take that, WELL CHILLED tv into the heated house and then immediately turn it on.
Remember . . . . . cold eyeglasses . . . . .introduced into a WARM environs ?
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