Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old thermistors


Peter Orban

Hello Everyone,

I am looking for data (or the actual components) on the S.T. & C. type
1522/100 and 1451/100 thermistors.
It is used in a tube type Wien-bridge audio oscillator for amplitude
stabilization in a Advance J1B generator, and are missing from my unit.
Those generators were produced during the '50s and '60s.

Thanks for the help, Peter

Homer J Simpson

I am looking for data (or the actual components) on the S.T. & C. type
1522/100 and 1451/100 thermistors.
It is used in a tube type Wien-bridge audio oscillator for amplitude
stabilization in a Advance J1B generator, and are missing from my unit.
Those generators were produced during the '50s and '60s.

If you can't find a suitable model from the UK suppliers try the Australian
ones. FWIW, R53 was very popular for this purpose.


Peter said:
Hello Everyone,

I am looking for data (or the actual components) on the S.T. & C.
type 1522/100 and 1451/100 thermistors.
It is used in a tube type Wien-bridge audio oscillator for amplitude
stabilization in a Advance J1B generator, and are missing from my
unit. Those generators were produced during the '50s and '60s.

Thanks for the help, Peter

A very similar thermistor is used on computer boards to sense the CPU
temperature. You could get one from an old/scrap board !