Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old/Surplus Parts Source - Pulls

First, an introduction....

I have been a hobbyist in electronics for quite a while. A while
meaning back when you could get lots of components from the local
Radio Shack.

Rather recently (about a decade or so), with family taking priority,
I've gotten away from the hobby. Only recently, I've been introduced
to the hobby again getting into things like PIC chips and other
microprocessors. I stocked up on a selection of parts from various
catalog order places. Then my Dad gave me a bunch of boxes of circuit
boards with many parts on board. He asked me if I might be able to put
them to use. I said yes. In the following weeks, he gives me more.
Here, I learned he was dismantling old equipment where he works, that
couldn't be refurbished, and stockpiling the boards which would have
been thrown away anyway.

This leaves me with a lot of parts. So far, I've pulled many of the
ICs and some of the easy to remove discrete components (transistors,
electrolytics, power resisters, SCRs, etc.). I have quite a variety of
parts now from old CPUs (6502, Z80, etc.), TTL chips (74XX), analog
ICs (A/D, Op-Amp, etc.).

What I plan to do sometime is inventory everything and post a list. I
may find myself with a steady stream of parts in the future. I can't
give them away (we all know we need to fund our hobbies somehow). But
I'm willing to sell some of this stuff. If there is an interest, or
request for parts, let me know. I'll see what I got. I can't promise I
have everything, but I know what it's like to try and find a source
for out of production components.

Here's a small sample of some of the rather unique ICs I have (along
with datasheet links). Excuse me a moment while I slide across the
synthetic carpet while in my wool sweater and go grab a few of these
parts. :)

LM629-N Motor Control

HM6264P-15 8Kx8 Static RAM

AD7582KN - CMOS 12-Bit Successive Approximation ADC
( Sheets/Analog Devices PDFs/

MC14411 Bit Rate Generator

MC6850P Async CIA

This is a very small list. There are many more interesting pats on
other boards that I haven't salvaged yet. I can't make any promises,
but if there are special parts you're looking for, send me a message.
I'll make a note of it and let you know what I find.

Thanks, and I might catch you all again on some of these other
sci.electronics newsgroups as I get more involved in the hobby again.



First, an introduction....

I have been a hobbyist in electronics for quite a while. A while
meaning back when you could get lots of components from the local
Radio Shack.

Rather recently (about a decade or so), with family taking priority,
I've gotten away from the hobby. Only recently, I've been introduced
to the hobby again getting into things like PIC chips and other
microprocessors. I stocked up on a selection of parts from various
catalog order places. Then my Dad gave me a bunch of boxes of circuit
boards with many parts on board. He asked me if I might be able to put
them to use. I said yes. In the following weeks, he gives me more.
Here, I learned he was dismantling old equipment where he works, that
couldn't be refurbished, and stockpiling the boards which would have
been thrown away anyway.

This leaves me with a lot of parts. So far, I've pulled many of the
ICs and some of the easy to remove discrete components (transistors,
electrolytics, power resisters, SCRs, etc.). I have quite a variety of
parts now from old CPUs (6502, Z80, etc.), TTL chips (74XX), analog
ICs (A/D, Op-Amp, etc.).

What I plan to do sometime is inventory everything and post a list. I
may find myself with a steady stream of parts in the future. I can't
give them away (we all know we need to fund our hobbies somehow). But
I'm willing to sell some of this stuff. If there is an interest, or
request for parts, let me know. I'll see what I got. I can't promise I
have everything, but I know what it's like to try and find a source
for out of production components.

Here's a small sample of some of the rather unique ICs I have (along
with datasheet links). Excuse me a moment while I slide across the
synthetic carpet while in my wool sweater and go grab a few of these
parts. :)

LM629-N Motor Control

HM6264P-15 8Kx8 Static RAM

AD7582KN - CMOS 12-Bit Successive Approximation ADC
( Sheets/Analog Devices PDFs/

MC14411 Bit Rate Generator

MC6850P Async CIA

This is a very small list. There are many more interesting pats on
other boards that I haven't salvaged yet. I can't make any promises,
but if there are special parts you're looking for, send me a message.
I'll make a note of it and let you know what I find.

Thanks, and I might catch you all again on some of these other
sci.electronics newsgroups as I get more involved in the hobby again.


Speaking of parts - there is a dude on E-Bay - been selling off 1 lb boxes
of parts. He says many are "new" Radio Shack parts (most in packages) but
not all in packing. AND I guess he has some other stuff too.


Speaking of parts - there is a dude on E-Bay - been selling off 1 lb boxes
of parts. He says many are "new" Radio Shack parts (most in packages) but
not all in packing. AND I guess he has some other stuff too.

That's because RS is getting out of the parts business. Expect them to
close their doors shortly thereafter, thought they now carry iPods, all
sorts of cell phones, etc.
You are in the wrong group.
Only an asshole wouldn't notice that ads are not welcome here.
Groups where selling takes place have words in their names like
ads forsale marketplace biz

List your stuff in misc.industry.electronics.marketplace

Oh, real intelligent response, calling others an asshole. That does so
well to promote affable discussion.

First, I apologize to everyone if they feel I was just posting items
for sale in this group. I don't make a living off of the stuff. This
is the first time I even considered offering what I have. I just
thought that I might have some stuff available that may be hard to
find. As an electronics hobbyist myself, I know what it's like to look
for parts from time to time, only to not being able to get what I need
or want for a project. I also shouldn't be expected to give the stuff
away. I don't expect to get rich from it. That's just the way things
are. I'm not independently wealthy as to be able to buy and build
whatever project I want. It's not unusual for people to fund a hobby
by selling off surplus stuff from the hobby.

As for the link to "Guide to sci.electronics", the last time that was
posted to ANY newsgroup was in June 1999. How do you expect someone to
browse a few months of message headers to get a feel for a group if
the last set of unofficial rules were posted nearly nine years ago.

Give me a break, or grow up. Choose one or both. It's not like I was
trying to pawn off Viagra or the latest business scam.