Hi, I want to adjust the picture geometry on my 1993 Panasonic TC26-L1R
(chassis M16M) crt tv. The picture is zoomed in and there are parts in sides
and upper border which are not visible. I have found a service manual on the
web, but unfortunately in Russian. I have tried to download english service
manuals of the models having same built in chassis to acquire information
comparing the texts. It seems there is no info about entering the service
menu or adjusting the picture geometry in the service manual. I would be
very grateful if anybody can tell me how to enter the service menu, how to
ONLY adjust the picture geometry and how to eventually get out without
damaging other settings or having an ugly CHK sign shown on screen.
(chassis M16M) crt tv. The picture is zoomed in and there are parts in sides
and upper border which are not visible. I have found a service manual on the
web, but unfortunately in Russian. I have tried to download english service
manuals of the models having same built in chassis to acquire information
comparing the texts. It seems there is no info about entering the service
menu or adjusting the picture geometry in the service manual. I would be
very grateful if anybody can tell me how to enter the service menu, how to
ONLY adjust the picture geometry and how to eventually get out without
damaging other settings or having an ugly CHK sign shown on screen.