Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old Magnavox TV, no picture RH8520



Hi, I have an old 46" Magnavox TV model RH8520 AK08. The video jus
stopped working the other day. Audio still works fine. It turns o
and off ok. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?
Maybe the light source?


Bill S.

Hi, I have an old 46" Magnavox TV model RH8520 AK08. The video just
stopped working the other day. Audio still works fine. It turns on
and off ok. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?
Maybe the light source?

These sets have CRT's. Most likely the high voltage has quit, and
there are numerous possible reasons. Bad flyback transformer,
focus bleeder breakdown, cracked solder joints, protection circuit
shutdown from over voltage, over current, loss of vertical scan...

You need a tech familiar with the set and armed with schematics.
Learning curve is very steep for anyone not familiar.

Kirk S.

Might get flamed, however...

I've got an RH8524 set with the same basic boardset (PTV300). I would check
the screen/focus voltage as described in the troubleshooting section of the
manual. My experience with this set is that if the HV fails, the whole set
goes into shutdown which shuts down the audio as well. I suppose you could
also have a bad HV splitter. I had this exact same situation occur on my
set with a bad screen/focus connection at the flyback. Does the flyback HV
exit from the top (gray flyback) or the side at a 45 degree angle (white)?

Send me your e-mail and I'll try to make some scans from the troubleshooting
section of the service manual. I believe one of the tests is to remove the
CRT board from each CRT and try it again. You have to remove the front
speaker grill and drop the convergence board down to easily reach the CRT
boards. I believe there is a release button on the right rear side that
allows the trim piece above the grill to come loose. After that, simply
remove the speaker grill, then the inner screws to drop the convergence
board down. Many times, there is a wiring diagram on the back of the set.

Do not attempt to take voltage readings on this set while live even with an
isolation transformer. I use jumpers to connect the meter where I want it
AFTER unplugging the set. I know enough to know I don't know enough...
There are a number of basic readings you can make on the power supply with
it off to determine if the problem is there or on the deflection board.
I'll look for the troubleshooting section of my manual.

Better safe than sorry... Sometimes you don't even get a first chance with
line voltage!

Kirk S.