Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old car radio circuit

Hi !
I found this radio and I don't know if this wiring is correct
In this mini black box enters 1 red wire and 1 black and leaves 2 red wires (soldered) that enters the radio and 1 black one that just hangs
Also , in this mini black box there is only 1 capacitator and a coil
And , on the back of the radio are the 2 red wires that enter the mini black box and 2 ports (L and R) (I think they are for headphones)
So , the wiring is correct ? cuz i don't want to destroy this radio
Maybe this is correct because on the radio says : POWER SOURCE : 12V , Negative Earth Only


Hi there Richard

And , on the back of the radio are the 2 red wires that enter the mini black box and 2 ports (L and R) (I think they are for headphones)

Red and Pink could be main power and standby power ... the standby may keep the clock etc active when main power is turned off

The left and Right are speaker outputs not headphones

cant tell you much more than that as you have given no other info
how about a make and model ?
Have you looked for an owners manual online, it would have a wiring diagram ?

Sir Richard902 . . . . . . .

With "old car radio" actually falling in the 87'ish vintage

Just in case you couldn't relate the units physicals to the schematic.

Here is a blow up with the two RED and BLACK wires being the BATTERY DC Power input

The outside choke involved will probably be L551 GREEN DOT and I can't read ALL on the black electrolytic beside the choke, but if the numbers agree the C719 GREEN DOT would be logical . . . .but a 500 series part numbering assignment would be MORE in AGREEMENT with the adjunct L551.

At any rate, the choke and its related capacitors are associated with cleaning the "trash" off the battery supply line .

You must not be familiar with the small blade and pin EURO speaker receptacles as now being marked up in RED and BLUE.

The YELLOW arrow referenced bullet inputs interface to:

  • MEMORY ( a constant unswitched source of battery power) usually color coded with PINK wiring.

  • The power auto antenna

  • Main battery power input

  • Ground . . . .which seems to be the "dangler " that is not mated with its connector into the radio.

Schematic . . . . . . . .with portion of interest . . . . . (MAGS up)


I would just LOVE to work on that . . . feature dense . . . complex and compact little unit . . . . . . . . . . .NOT !
(Refer to:)

73's de Edd
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aha , thank you for your answers !
So , i want to know if this radio works , i will try with an 12v dc power supply , how many amps i need to power this radio , i see in the manual 50 watts , so if W = 1V x A ; 50 = 12 x A ; so i need a 12V 4A DC power supply ?