Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Odd Sony Camcorder Problem



This is a TRV310 Digital 8 unit, about 7 years old. Recently, I noticed a
strange image problem. In record mode, indoors the colors are dull in good
light and the image is very dark in low light conditions. Outdoors in bright
shade or sun, everything appears way overexposed. This is the case whether
observing in the LCD, the b/w viewfinder or playback of the recorded image.
Note, playback of old recordings before the problem arose is fine. All other
functions appear normal. Even more interesting is that I can intermittently
get the proper image restored in record mode by physically pressing on parts
of the camcorder case. Unfortunately, I can't get that to work consistently
or for any extended period of time. It's like there is a loose connection or
something inside. Obviously, it may just be time to get a new camcorder but
I'm wondering how difficult/costly it would be to fix. TIA for any

Ray L. Volts

iws said:
This is a TRV310 Digital 8 unit, about 7 years old. Recently, I noticed a
strange image problem. In record mode, indoors the colors are dull in good
light and the image is very dark in low light conditions. Outdoors in
shade or sun, everything appears way overexposed. This is the case whether
observing in the LCD, the b/w viewfinder or playback of the recorded
Note, playback of old recordings before the problem arose is fine. All
functions appear normal. Even more interesting is that I can
get the proper image restored in record mode by physically pressing on
of the camcorder case. Unfortunately, I can't get that to work
or for any extended period of time. It's like there is a loose connection
something inside. Obviously, it may just be time to get a new camcorder
I'm wondering how difficult/costly it would be to fix. TIA for any

Anytime u can restore function to a device by pushing, pulling, tapping or
otherwise manipulating the device's case, the problem is most likely going
to be bad solder joints, loose connections as u said or, in the case of
mechanical controls (potentiometers, switches, etc.), dirty contacts.
Depending on the complexity level of disassembly, location of the fault, and
the shop, this can be either very cheap or very costly to have a shop fix.
Most often, a competent shop will do it for their normal flat fee --
depending on the shop, the flat fee can be pretty high, though.

Dave D

iws said:
This is a TRV310 Digital 8 unit, about 7 years old. Recently, I noticed a
strange image problem. In record mode, indoors the colors are dull in good
light and the image is very dark in low light conditions. Outdoors in
shade or sun, everything appears way overexposed. This is the case whether
observing in the LCD, the b/w viewfinder or playback of the recorded
Note, playback of old recordings before the problem arose is fine. All
functions appear normal. Even more interesting is that I can
get the proper image restored in record mode by physically pressing on
of the camcorder case. Unfortunately, I can't get that to work
or for any extended period of time. It's like there is a loose connection
something inside. Obviously, it may just be time to get a new camcorder
I'm wondering how difficult/costly it would be to fix. TIA for any

It's likely there's a bad connection somewhere, probably to do with the iris
control circuit or servo. Could be trivial to fix, but that doesn't
necessarily mean cheap!
