Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Obsolete circuit breaker

I'm trying to repair a potters' wheel. It has a thermal-magnetic
overload switch, Stopcircuit GDU 2U 73 P1, which appears to be broken. Stopcircuit were taken over by
Entrelec about 15 years ago, and they have no information about it. Has anyone
an old Stopcircuit data book that they can look up for me, or suggestions on how to find a modern replacement?


It comes up on a search as available from some suppliers online.
I suspect you may have to replace it with 2 devices as that has a dual function IIRC.
There are several suppliers of O/L's have you checked Digikey?
Thanks for this - I hadn't found that link. I will call Radwell on Monday and see if they can help. I am more of a potter than an electrical engineer :) so I will try and replace the unit with an identical one. It has 5 wires attached and I have no circuit diagram!