Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Not attaining required slew rate on differential ADC input buffer


Nicholas Kinar


I've designed and built a system with a number of AD7690 SAR ADCs.
These particular ADCs have differential inputs. As recommended by the
manufacturer's datasheet and various application notes, I've selected
the ADA4941-1 single-ended to differential driver. This driver has a
given slew rate of 26 Volts/microseconds, and is designed to convert a
single-ended analog input into two phase-shifted outputs.

I've essentially built this particular circuit:

I've modified the circuit for a Vin which swings between 0V and +5V.
This was easy to do based on the design equations given in the
application note. I've also added 0.1uF and 10uF decoupling caps to the
positive and negative voltage rails of the ADA4941-1. An inductor is
also used on these rails to form an LC filter along with the decoupling
capacitors. The inductors are situated close to the voltage inputs.
I've removed the inductors and used a zero ohm resistor to verify that
each inductor is not the source of unwanted oscillations. I have also
tried removing the 10uF tantalum decoupling caps to verify that ESR does
not cause strange behavior.

I was very disappointed to find that there was no SPICE model of the
ADA4941-1 available for download from the Analog Devices website.
However, I have derived some comfort from the fact that the circuit is

After building this design, it was more than apparent that my actual
circuit had a very limited slew rate.

(1) The circuit diagram (Figure 1 at the above link) shows two 100nF
(0.1uF) caps attached to nodes Voffset1 and Voffset2. What is the
design purpose of these capacitors? I've found that the presence of
these capacitors caused the output of the ADA4941-1 to be extremely

(2) I've used a 2V p-p sine wave as input to the ADA4949-1. At a
frequency of 1kHz, there is very little distortion. However, as I
increase the frequency to 10kHz and to 100kHz, the output wave "shrinks"
and becomes increasingly attenuated around the common-mode voltage of
2.5V. Waveforms with > 2V p-p are attenuated, and the peaks are
sometimes distorted, even when the voltage offset on my function
generator allows for the peaks and troughs to be positive voltages. I
am using +7V and and -4V power rails.

What is the best work-around for this type of circuit behavior? What is
the most probable cause?


Nicholas Kinar

Hello John--

Thank you for your response!
The 20 ohm + 2.7 nF loads look radical for this part. It's rated for a
20 pF load and can drive 25 mA typ. is a bit interesting indeed to see these component values being
used after the op amp. Apparently the manufacturer thinks that this RC
filter is the most effective way to prevent anti-aliasing for the ADC.
What values of R2 and Cf are you using?

R2 = 1k and Cf = 10pF. To me these values don't seem to be too much out
of the ordinary, since (1/(2*pi*R2*Cf)) = ~16MHz
Are you sure you have it hooked up correctly? The observation about
the 100 nF caps causing distortion doesn't make sense.

What is your bandwidth goal?

I agree that it's very bizarre behavior. I've checked my circuit
diagram, and it *appears* to be correct.

If this was only one part, I would have said that it could be a faulty
component. But the same thing is happening for six of them!

The ADCs have a maximum sampling frequency of 400kHz.


Nicholas Kinar

25mA / 2.7nF = 9.2 V/uS

In the simplest case, this and not the 22V/us is the controlling
factor on the slew rate. The distortion vs load curves make me
suspect that you should not expect anything near 25mA out of the part
without developing a distortion problem.

That's an interesting prospect. I will try removing these caps on the
output and see what happens.

Thanks Ken!

Nicholas Kinar

That's an interesting prospect. I will try removing these caps on the
output and see what happens.

Well, I removed these 2.7nF capacitors, and the output signal looks
clean. Apparently the problem was indeed caused by these caps on the

I am now going to try replacing the caps on the Voffset1 and Voffset2
nodes, and I will see what happens when these become 0.1uF. (I'll post
back here soon.)

Many thanks for your suggestions! Thank you John and Ken for your help!

Nicholas Kinar

I am now going to try replacing the caps on the Voffset1 and Voffset2
nodes, and I will see what happens when these become 0.1uF. (I'll post
back here soon.)

In my circuit, the much larger caps (0.1uF) still cause distortion when
connected to the Voffset1 and Voffset2 nodes. However, using smaller
caps (in the pF range) do not cause much distortion.

So this suggests that the distortion problems with my circuit were
caused by the RC filter caps on the output and by the caps on the
voltage offset nodes.

I suspect that the distortion problem created by the caps on the voltage
offset nodes may be due to my own PCB layout. It appears that perhaps my
PCB layout requires lower capacitance values than the one created by the
engineers at Analog Devices. Another possibility is that the bandwidth
requirements of the suggested circuit are much less than the bandwidth
requirements of my own version of the circuit.


Nicholas Kinar

So now the problem has been solved of excessive distortion on the output
of the ADA4941-1.

However, I have noticed that some *slight* distortion is occurring at
the bottom of the output waveform. The 2.7nF caps on the output have
been removed.

Using a function generator, I've created sine, ramp, and square waves as
inputs to the ADA4941-1 circuit. I've noticed that the peaks of the
sine, ramp, and square waves are very clean. However, the troughs of
these waves are slightly "skewed." The "skewing" seems to occur at
higher frequencies (20kHz)

What could cause this skew? How might I modify the circuit to fix this
small problem? Has anyone seen anything similar?


Nicholas Kinar

In addition, if I wanted to add an RC filter on the output of the ADC
input buffer, what would be the the most appropriate values for the
resistor and capacitor? The maximum sampling rate of the ADC is 400kHz.
I would like to maximize the operating bandwidth of the input buffer
circuit, given the sampling rate of the ADC.

IMHO, the circuit shown here does not have very optimal values, at least
for my application.


Nicholas Kinar

Hello John--

Once again, thank you so much for your response!
Infinite caps on those + inputs should be fine.

I suspect oscillations caused by those absurd output lowpass filters.
Once an opamp starts oscillating, all sorts of crazy things happen.

Analog Devices claims that this is a "verified" circuit? It was
clearly hacked by a beginner who didn't even read the datasheet

Yes, apparently it was a "verified" circuit. I was a bit dubious about
using this, and I had initially thought about rolling my own solution.
On the same PCB (less than 2 inches away), I am using two op-amps to
convert another single-ended signal into a differential one. You know
what - it works quite well! There's also no distortion! I did the
design and layout of that particular circuit.

So much for using "verified" circuits.

Nicholas Kinar

What are the 0.1uF caps connected to? I'm wondering if there might be
fragmentary signal components on the "ground/supply" side of those
Especially if this is a layout of your own design?

The 0.1uF caps are connected to an AGND plane which is on the top side
of the PCB. The AGND surrounds the op-amps and some other passive
components. This ground plane is connected to another buried ground
plane within the PCB. Both ground planes are joined by numerous vias.

Could I safely remove these caps? At the moment, I can't really think
why they would be required.


Nicholas Kinar

I'd also be worried about the amps oscillating with this much
capacitance only 20 ohms away.


Yes, most of the oscillations are gone when the caps are removed. Could
I still use the RC filter? What could be the most appropriate component
values to use?

Nicholas Kinar

One caution: most modern ADCs kick out a big zot of charge when they
digitize. If an opamp is connected directly to the ADC, some opamps
get seriously freaked out by that zot and take a long time to recover.
Hence the RC after the opamp. But the values have to be right; too
little R can make the opamp unstable and not isolate the zot; too much
can produce ADC offset errors.

Many thanks for this observation, John! I had attempted reading from
the ADCs followed by the suggested RC filter, and I was wondering why
the values looked like noise riding on the top of a perpetually-high
signal. This provides a good explanation for what I've been observing.
Obviously some tinkering is required to select the proper values.

Nicholas Kinar

Why have two planes if they're heavily connected?

Erm, well - I don't know if this is a good explanation, but the reason
is really due to space. There's no space for having a single GND plane
for the entire PCB, since the top layer is pretty well stuffed full of
components. The idea is to have the top AGND plane act as a Faraday
shield for the more sensitive parts of the circuit. The buried AGND
plane connects with a buried DGND plane at one point only. It is my
hope that connecting the two planes with many vias will help to
eliminate/reduce ground loops.
They hold the opamp + inputs stiff. Without them, capacitive couplings
inside the amps (like from supply rails) might mess up the frequency
response a little.

Yeah, I agree.
They shouldn't cause problems. The problems are elsewhere.

Hmmm...I am going to have to do a little bit of sleuthing. Thank you
once again for your help, John!


Nicholas Kinar

Something like 200 ohms or so should be OK. You really should keep the
RC, as noted in my other post.

I'll give it a try. Thanks again, John.

Nicholas Kinar

Erm, well - I don't know if this is a good explanation, but the reason
is really due to space. There's no space for having a single GND plane
for the entire PCB, since the top layer is pretty well stuffed full of
components. The idea is to have the top AGND plane act as a Faraday
shield for the more sensitive parts of the circuit. The buried AGND
plane connects with a buried DGND plane at one point only. It is my
hope that connecting the two planes with many vias will help to
eliminate/reduce ground loops.

Oh yes - and just to note that the buried AGND plane is unsplit. There
are no other traces being routed in this layer. There's no space for a
single AGND plane on the *top* side of the PCB.


Nicholas Kinar

The circuit appears to be a bad one. In general you don't want to do
anything that raises the impedance that the ADC sees. ADCs tend to
have funny spiky currents on their inputs. You don't want the buffer
to react badly to these but you also don't want the voltage at the
inputs to change. I would only use very small values of R. The
capacitor should only be big enough to make the impedance that the
converter sees remain low as you go beyond the gain bandwidth of the

Good stuff, Ken. I'll have to play around with RC values, keeping R as
low as possible.

Thank you for your response!

Nicholas Kinar

After a bit of experimentation, I've finally found the problem causing
distortion on the op-amp outputs. To me, the issue was not immediately

(1) The ADA4941-1 op-amp has a disable pin. It appears that this pin
does not completely disable the output. Rather, I've found that when
the disable pin is connected to a voltage level significantly higher
than the negative voltage rail, there will be distortion on the output.

IMHO, it is best to leave this pin floating if it cannot be guaranteed
that the disable pin is connected directly to the negative voltage rail.
It appears that there is already a pull-down resistor on this pin
which is located inside the device. Further information can be found in
the datasheet regarding voltage thresholds for this disable pin.

(2) In addition, 0.1uF caps on the Voffset1 and Voffset2 nodes do not
cause distortion on the output when the disable pin is left floating and
the device is not disabled.

(3) As suggested in this thread, the 2.7nF caps situated on the outputs
may be too high, and will limit the slew rate. I have not found optimal
capacitance values yet, but I will have to do some additional

Many thanks for your help, John and Ken!


Nicholas Kinar

(3) As suggested in this thread, the 2.7nF caps situated on the outputs
may be too high, and will limit the slew rate. I have not found optimal
capacitance values yet, but I will have to do some additional

For the RC filter, I chose values of R = 91 ohms, and C = 220pF.
