Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Normally closed loop with relay trigger

Hi Everyone, Been a while since my last visit, can you guys look at this attachment and tell me if it would work or not? All theory and self experience tells me yes, it would, but the program either isn't set up for slightly advanced circuits or I am totally wrong, the program is the free Yenka.

Thanks in advance, you guys are awesome!

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and tell me if it would work or not?

depends on what you are trying to achieve .... you haven't stated the circuit's purpose

the top switch will activate the relay will give 15 V out on both relay contacts instead of just one
what did you want the bottom pushbutton switch to do ?

EDIT: since the top switch is in the on position, that infers the relay is activated and as such
contacts are as shown ( the relay COMMON contact is connected to the NO contact )

at the moment , pushing it will just turn the LED on and off .... it wont affect the relay operation
