Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noobie Help - general lighting for UK/US/Japan Markets

Hi there,
Before I start let me say that my knowledge is BASIC, so please sick with me...

I have a lamp design that I wish to sell online to the markets mentioned.

the lamp is a ceiling suspended lamp that has no metallic elements [and therefore needs no grounding, I think im right in saying]. The design aspect is the shade and I want to utilise something of the shelf for a pendant lampholder.

Now, in the UK and Europe we use E27 bulbs, that draw on 240V mains. I want to be able to have my lamp used in the US and Japan also.

My question is, as I am not using a plug and fuse, can I just sell my lamp with a standard
UK Lampholder [E27] for use in the aforementioned countries?

I know america and Japan use E26, but have read that E26 bulbs can be used in E27 lampholders. If this is true, then all I need to know is if it is ok to wire my pendant lampholder into a 100-120V mains?

any help on this matter would be much appreciated.
