Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noob question about multimeters

I need to test a (tiny) fuse on a PCB to see if its has blown, and so have excavated ye olde multimeter from the garage. But unfortunately I don't remember how to use it. Can anybody instruct me on what settings to put it on to test for continuity? Picture here:

(I would have embedded it but that doesn't seem to work on this browser).

Or should I just get a new multimeter?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Put it on the Ω X1 scale (at about 3 O'Clock position.

Touch the metal parts of the probes together and the meter should swing to the right. Use the Ω 0 knob in the top left corner to adjust the meter to read zero on the green scale.

If the meter can't be adjusted to this position then you need new batteries.

Use the probes to test the fuse. When connected to either end of the fuse, the meter should swing to near 0. Very low value fuses may not swing all the way over.

Test with the power off to the device!!!