I'm pretty much a newcomer to electronics, so be gentle, please.
I need to create a preamp to boost a guitar signal for a microcontroller project I'm designing. I've found plenty of simple circuits that seem appropriate. But, as I understand it, preamp output varies about 0v, and all the circuits I see have a DC filter cap on output to block DC.
Say the preamp produces an output -2V to +2V (around -0v centre point), and my microcontroller reads inputs 0-5V, how do I bias the preamp output by +2V to be 0v to 4V? Is it a simple as a potential divider around the output or am I being dim?
I need to create a preamp to boost a guitar signal for a microcontroller project I'm designing. I've found plenty of simple circuits that seem appropriate. But, as I understand it, preamp output varies about 0v, and all the circuits I see have a DC filter cap on output to block DC.
Say the preamp produces an output -2V to +2V (around -0v centre point), and my microcontroller reads inputs 0-5V, how do I bias the preamp output by +2V to be 0v to 4V? Is it a simple as a potential divider around the output or am I being dim?