Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noisy Guest Revisited



Writing in the December and February issues of QST, W1ZR describes using a
Guest charger as part of the "UPS" for his ham shack. He found that a choke
wound around an Amadon FT-240-4-3 core close to the Guest on the AC side
plus a "brute force" "Pi" filter composed of 0.01uF capacitors (RS272-131)
and 8 turns of 14Ga marine duplex cable on a Amadon FT-240-61 core beat the
noise down to 60dB. UMMV

73, K3DWW


While no responses are necessary or expected because the message only
conveys info without asking a question, the subject is certainly on topic
since Guest supplies very popular but noisy battery chargers.

What's your beef with that?


Larry W4CSC said:
That damnable electronic technological wonder charging Lionheart's
battery monsters, now, is NOISIER THAN HELL! I have to shut it down
to operate on the HF bands.....

W1ZR claims that winding as many turns as possible around an Amidon
FT-240-4-3 core on the AC side and a Pi filter comprising 0.01uF caps and 8
turns (all that fit) of 14Ga Marine duplex on the DC side, buth as close as
possible to the Guest, fixed the noise in his landlocked QTH. I haven't
tried it myself yet .... I'm waiting for you (c:

73, K3DWW