Maker Pro
Maker Pro

noise output

A non-ideal voltage source can be modeled by a series combination of an ideal DC voltage source, a resistance, and a small-signal voltage source. The small-signal source is included to represent the noise inherent in the source.
In practice, connecting the non-ideal voltage source to a load may result in undesirable effects due to the noise voltage vo appearing across the load.

+ +
- RL VO + vi

+ -

This problem studies such effects and how a Zener diode may be used to ameliorate the problem.
Assume that VI= 12.5 V, RIN=1 k ilo ohm , and vi = 20.0 mV.
In the figure above, calculate the DC output voltage VO , and the output noise voltage vo for two values of the load resistance, for RL = 2 kilo ohm and 4 kilo ohm.

I obtained the DC output voltage for 2 kiloohm is 8.32 V and for 4 kiloohm is 9.984, how about the formula for voice output vo?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Try drawing an image in paint, or capturing a screen and posting it or something.

ASCII art doesn't work.