Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noise created by resistor used to reduce op amp input offset


Nicholas Kinar


To preserve bandwidth and slew rate I've selected a high speed op amp
with low wide-band voltage noise and current noise. The 1/f noise is
only 7nV/Hz^(1/2) at 10 Hz, which makes the part suitable for lower
frequency signals extending to DC.

However, the input offset voltage is typically 40 microvolts (300
microvolts max), which may need to be nulled since the op amp is being
used in a non-inverting configuration with high voltage gain.

On my schematic, I have the op amp wired up in a non-inverting
configuration. At the negative input, the feedback resistor is
connected to the output and another resistor is connected to ground.
I've also connected another resistor (with a value of 1 Megaohm) to
this negative input. The terminal of the resistor that is not connected
to the negative input is connected to the output of a 16-bit buffered DAC.

The idea is that the DAC will be used to adjust the voltage at the
negative input, thereby nulling the offset voltage without using a trim
pot. After shunting the positive input of the op amp to GND via a CMOS
switch and load resistor, I'll use a microcontroller to sample an ADC
connected to the op amp output and a minimization algorithm to select
the proper voltage required to reduce the input offset.

However, I'm concerned about whether the 1 Megaohm resistor will inject
significant noise into the feedback loop. Although I know how to
calculate the noise density created by a very large 1 Megaohm resistor,
I am wondering if this noise will be amplified by the op amp feedback.

If so, then is there a way to reduce this noise? Might an RC filter be
an applicable way to go? How do you reduce noise created by a
mechanical trim pot?


Nicholas said:

To preserve bandwidth and slew rate I've selected a high speed op amp
with low wide-band voltage noise and current noise. The 1/f noise is
only 7nV/Hz^(1/2) at 10 Hz, which makes the part suitable for lower
frequency signals extending to DC.

However, the input offset voltage is typically 40 microvolts (300
microvolts max), which may need to be nulled since the op amp is being
used in a non-inverting configuration with high voltage gain.

On my schematic, I have the op amp wired up in a non-inverting
configuration. At the negative input, the feedback resistor is
connected to the output and another resistor is connected to ground.
I've also connected another resistor (with a value of 1 Megaohm) to
this negative input. The terminal of the resistor that is not connected
to the negative input is connected to the output of a 16-bit buffered DAC.

The idea is that the DAC will be used to adjust the voltage at the
negative input, thereby nulling the offset voltage without using a trim
pot. After shunting the positive input of the op amp to GND via a CMOS
switch and load resistor, I'll use a microcontroller to sample an ADC
connected to the op amp output and a minimization algorithm to select
the proper voltage required to reduce the input offset.

However, I'm concerned about whether the 1 Megaohm resistor will inject
significant noise into the feedback loop. Although I know how to
calculate the noise density created by a very large 1 Megaohm resistor,
I am wondering if this noise will be amplified by the op amp feedback.

If so, then is there a way to reduce this noise? Might an RC filter be
an applicable way to go? How do you reduce noise created by a
mechanical trim pot?

I don't quite follow your description but if you have a series R to help
cancel input bias current effects at DC, simply bypass it with a C or R-C
series network to reduce the noise.


Nicholas Kinar

I assume the resistor from opamp minus to ground (call it R1) is much
lower than 1M... ballpark 100 ohms maybe. In that case, the 1M adds no
significant Johnson noise. It's essentially in parallel with R1 and as
such doesn't change its value much.

Yes, the resistor is close to 100 ohms. It's a good observation that
since the resistor is in parallel, the change is minimal.
Of course, any dac noise gets to the output with a gain of R2/1M,
which should be pretty small. If dac noise is an issue, split the
resistor and bypass the heck out of the junction.

I was thinking of using cascaded RC or LC filters to get rid of noise,
but this might prevent the DAC from changing the voltage quickly.
But why not do the zero fix in software? Short the input, digitize the
result, subtract that from future measurements.

That's a great idea, John! Thank you for suggesting this. Would this
also be effective for cascaded op amps (i.e. when the output of one op
amp is fed into another op amp input)? I would think that it would be.

Nicholas Kinar

Nick, try this. Instead of resistor voltage-noise, it's often useful
to think of the noise current generated by a resistor. The familiar
e_n = sqrt (4kTR) for voltage-noise density is modified by moving
the R downstairs, giving us its current noise i_n = sqrt (4kT / R).
Also, memorize 4kT = 1.6 x 10^-20 at room temp.

Taking your case, but now with R in the denominator, it's clear that
higher R means less current noise into your summing junction.

Hi Winfield,

Thank you so much for your response! That's an interesting way of
looking at noise in the system.

Memorizing the value 4kt is useful for calculations at room temperature.

It's interesting to note that with higher R, current noise drops. Since
I work with electronics which must operate at lower temperatures (-40
deg C), lowering the temperature will reduce the current noise.

Your reply prompted me to take a look in that book that you've written.
There's a really good section on noise and noise sources!

Nicholas Kinar

Eeyore said:
I don't quite follow your description but if you have a series R to help
cancel input bias current effects at DC, simply bypass it with a C or R-C
series network to reduce the noise.

Thanks, Graham. The noise can be easily reduced by an RC filter. I
tried using an LC filter, but some very preliminary spice analysis
showed that this could cause distortion in the output signal. A simple
RC filter is probably the way to go.

Jim Thompson

Sure. Short the input with your cmos switch and digitize the output of
the entire chain. We call this "software autozero."

In some of our products, like thermcocouple scanners, we have, say, an
8-input mux, and one of the inputs is a high-quality ground. All 8
inputs are scanned on a rotating basis. The "ground" value is
regularly digitized in its turn and software lowpass filtered to make
the internal variable ZOFF that's subtracted from all other channel
measurements. The filtering removes most of the noise from the
ground-measurement data.

The filter is just


where the divide by 2^N is a right-shift. If you have the luxury of
working in floats, you can do


where F is a small number, 0.02 or some such.

This just simulates a 1st order RC lowpass filter.

The ZOFF value is also useful as a gross error check.

If you have multiple gain ranges, it may be prudent to have a zero
factor for each.


John's idea works IF you have enough headroom in your analog string.
In my latest 10-bit ADC I capture the input offset voltage on a
capacitor such that the natural sequence of events (SAR) subtracts out
the _input_ offset before any gain. (I only have 2.7V minimum VDD to
work with.)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Nicholas Kinar

Thanks, John!

Sure. Short the input with your cmos switch and digitize the output of
the entire chain. We call this "software autozero."

It's much, much better than trying to reduce offset by adjusting trim
pots! This could literally take *forever* to achieve. And if a change
in temperature occurs after you've finally done the adjustment, you
would have to repeat the process again, and again, and again.
In some of our products, like thermcocouple scanners, we have, say, an
8-input mux, and one of the inputs is a high-quality ground. All 8
inputs are scanned on a rotating basis. The "ground" value is
regularly digitized in its turn and software lowpass filtered to make
the internal variable ZOFF that's subtracted from all other channel
measurements. The filtering removes most of the noise from the
ground-measurement data.

If the measurement time takes only 1 second (max), then would it be safe
to assume that the offset is the same over the time of measurement? I
would imagine the following steps of the sampling process:

(1) close switch and measure offset voltage;
(2) open switch and take measurement of signal from transducer;
(3) apply software autozero filter

I would suppose that with a MUX, you would not have to worry about this,
since for every sample that you take, you also have a ZOFF value.

What's a high quality ground? Could this be created using an RC filter?
I'm thinking of using an RC filter tied to GND.

The ZOFF value is also useful as a gross error check.

So the ZOFF value will show the maximum error in the analog signal
processing chain?

If you have multiple gain ranges, it may be prudent to have a zero
factor for each.

That's a really good idea!
How would I separate out the contributions from each gain range?

Nicholas Kinar

In my latest 10-bit ADC I capture the input offset voltage on a
capacitor such that the natural sequence of events (SAR) subtracts out
the _input_ offset before any gain. (I only have 2.7V minimum VDD to
work with.)

That's an interesting idea, Jim. How do you deal with the input
impedance of the SAR ADC, which may change with frequency? Did you use
a network analyzer and an impedance matching network on the input of
your ADC?

Nicholas Kinar

That's an interesting idea, Jim. How do you deal with the input
impedance of the SAR ADC, which may change with frequency? Did you use
a network analyzer and an impedance matching network on the input of
your ADC?

Let me clarify: Does the input impedance of your SAR ADC change with
sampling frequency?

Did you use a network analyzer when developing an input matching network
for the ADC.

Thanks, Jim.

Jim Thompson

That's an interesting idea, Jim. How do you deal with the input
impedance of the SAR ADC, which may change with frequency? Did you use
a network analyzer and an impedance matching network on the input of
your ADC?

I auto-correct offset at _every_ SAR step. (I'm using the old flying
capacitor stunt ;-)

The real stunt is how I get a 10-bit monotonic DAC with a crap
process, but that has to remain a trade secret for the moment ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Nicholas Kinar

I auto-correct offset at _every_ SAR step. (I'm using the old flying
capacitor stunt ;-)

Ah yes, the capacitor is connected at the input of the SAR ADC.
The real stunt is how I get a 10-bit monotonic DAC with a crap
process, but that has to remain a trade secret for the moment ;-)

Trade secrets could be traded. ;-)

Nicholas Kinar

Thanks, John.
In general, one prefers to not have the noise of the zero offset add
to the noise of each data measurement. So signal-average or filter a
stream of zero measurements.

Sure, what I'll do is simply do is average the noise of the zero-offset
for a few milliseconds, or I'll wait until the cumulative signal
variance levels off with respect to time.
No, just a short. But a short that's not trashed by ground loops or
thermals. We did one thermocouple-based temperature controller where
the short was a couple of inches away - on a solid ground plane - from
where the t/c was grounded. Not far away was a 150 watt PWM heater
driver. Voltage gradients in the ground plane made big temperature
errors. Moving the ground sense point about an inch fixed it.

It's interesting how moving a single trace can fix so many problems.

Do the zero experiment at each gain setting and keep multiple ZOFF

I suppose that if the system has a fixed gain, then I would require only
one ZOFF.