Maker Pro
Maker Pro

No Display Alpine Car radio 7863

I have an Alpine CDA7863 that has a blank display but the controlls
work ok. Can anyone say whether they think the fault is the display or
more likely the radio.

Ken Weitzel

I have an Alpine CDA7863 that has a blank display but the controlls
work ok. Can anyone say whether they think the fault is the display or
more likely the radio.

Hi Orville...

In the midst of a similar task myself. Started a week ago, but
got side-tracked by other things, will start again on Wednesday :)

Mine's a Chrysler infinity unit, made by Alpine.

So far, I found an open choke, sitting on top of the mainboard top
board. (take the top cover off, you'll see it) If you should happen
to be an old dog like me, it doesn't look like a choke as "we" knew
them, looks more like an odd shaped resistor. Picture here, if
you'd like to see what you're looking for.

This one is, info supplied by others in the group, is 1000 uH.

Additionally found at least three cold solder joints on that same
top board. Hard, real hard to see, but they're there. Check with
your meter, test across the connection and the lead at the top.

I still have at least one more to go; it works occasionally now, but
is still intermittent.

Hope this helps at least a little.

I had an Alpine 7827 that did the same thing. It turned out to be a
burnt out bulb that illuminates the display in the removeable
faceplate. It wasn't too difficult to replace.

You can order replacement bulbs (and other parts) from


Look at the display closely in good light if you can see it the
backlighting is out.