Maker Pro
Maker Pro

No dialtone - Gemini P3200 with Vonage

I connected a P3200 to Vonage. It dials out and reports fine.
Polarity is correct. The problem is that it reports a Comm error, no
dialtone. It appears that the Vonage adapter generates 44 volts DC
while Ma bell generates 52 volts DC. I suspect that this difference is
causing the dialtone detection problem. Perhaps the no dialtone is
produced by something else.

I have disabled the dialtone check before dialing but the P3200 appears
to generate the warning anyway.

I am looking for a solution to make the P3200 work with Vonage. Your
insight is greatly appreciated. Alternatively, I am considering
Internet monitoring.


Jim Rojas

You will need to transmit using Contact ID format only. You will also need
to turn off the telephone line fault monitor in programming. Then it should
work fine.

Jim Rojas

Mark Leuck

Alarminex said:
Subject: Re: No dialtone - Gemini P3200 with Vonage
From: "Jim Rojas" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 19:23:06 GMT

You will need to transmit using Contact ID format only. You will also need
to turn off the telephone line fault monitor in programming. Then it should
work fine.

Jim Rojas

Hi Jim

I've found that in this area, the Contact ID is necessary but the line fault
still works both on 3200's and 1632.

Have you found that if varies from area to area?Jim[/QUOTE]

I have and it depends on the ISP using it, its a jumbled mess
It's set to Ademco Point ID - is this Contact ID?

Enable Line Fault Telephone Test is off
Skip Automatic Dialtone Detect is on
The 3200 still detects the fault.


Jim Rojas

Whenever you make a change like that, send a signal, so the panel knows the
signal went through. VoIP is a pain... :)

Jim Rojas

Robert L. Bass

It's set to Ademco Point ID - is this Contact ID?

Yes. Those are two ways of saying the same thing.


Robert L Bass

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