Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nick update 2#


nick markowitz

Sorry for original post was really out of it there
spent 15+ hours on the operating table and when they went in they said
everything looked good and they did not do the temporary iliostomy. but
after 2 days in ICU and finally being moved to a regular room they decided
I was leaking internally so the had to go back in and reopen me up to
install the temporary iliostomy which then kept me in icu for several more
days because I started going into SVT
Tachycardia with my heart 190 beats a minute I stayed in icu 14 days total
where I finally got back to a normal room for 3 days and was released but
thy kept having trouble with my pain meds not working because they were not
devolving properly . seems like everything is now working properly and after
sear months here at home and another round of chemo hopefully I will be back
up on my feet late august


nick said:
Sorry for original post was really out of it there
spent 15+ hours on the operating table and when they went in they said
everything looked good and they did not do the temporary iliostomy. but
after 2 days in ICU and finally being moved to a regular room they decided
I was leaking internally so the had to go back in and reopen me up to
install the temporary iliostomy which then kept me in icu for several more
days because I started going into SVT
Tachycardia with my heart 190 beats a minute I stayed in icu 14 days total
where I finally got back to a normal room for 3 days and was released but
thy kept having trouble with my pain meds not working because they were not
devolving properly . seems like everything is now working properly and after
sear months here at home and another round of chemo hopefully I will be back
up on my feet late august

You're in my thoughts and prayers bro...

Roger W

Sorry for original post was really out of it  there
spent 15+ hours on the operating table and when they went in they said
everything looked good and they did not do the temporary iliostomy. but
after 2 days in ICU and finally being moved to a regular room they  decided
I was leaking internally so the had to go back in and reopen me up to
install the temporary iliostomy  which then kept me in icu  for several more
days because I started going into SVT
Tachycardia with my heart 190 beats a minute I stayed in icu 14 days total
where I finally got back to a normal room for 3 days and was released but
thy kept having trouble with my pain meds not working  because they werenot
devolving properly . seems like everything is now working properly and after
sear months here at home and another round of chemo hopefully I will be back
up on my feet late august

Glad to hear you're back ok. It's going to take a little time to get
back in action. Take it easy be patient and you'll be back kickin ass
in no time.
Wish you all the best and God Bless.

G. Morgan

nick said:
Sorry for original post was really out of it there
spent 15+ hours on the operating table and when they went in they said
everything looked good and they did not do the temporary iliostomy. but
after 2 days in ICU and finally being moved to a regular room they decided
I was leaking internally so the had to go back in and reopen me up to
install the temporary iliostomy which then kept me in icu for several more
days because I started going into SVT
Tachycardia with my heart 190 beats a minute I stayed in icu 14 days total
where I finally got back to a normal room for 3 days and was released but
thy kept having trouble with my pain meds not working because they were not
devolving properly . seems like everything is now working properly and after
sear months here at home and another round of chemo hopefully I will be back
up on my feet late august

You must be feeling better today, your message looks much better :)

Stay tough man, best wishes and get well soon!


Cant wait to read a post of you about a bad install you corrected on that

Robert L Bass

JoeRaisin said:
You're in my thoughts and prayers bro...

Same here, Nick. If you need to do something less strenuous than installing
during recovery, give me a call. I can help you start something online.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-232-0791
Fax 941-870-3252

Frank Olson

Robert said:
Same here, Nick. If you need to do something less strenuous than
installing during recovery, give me a call. I can help you start
something online.

That's *all* he needs. Sheesh!!

nick markowitz

I found a good young concintious man who has minor electronics background
things for me and handling service calls etc and a handful of electrical
contractors etc I work with all the time helping me keep going and so far
so good .
I have several small installs waiting till I am back up on my feet
hopefully all will work out in the end.

In the mean one of the contractors who was suppose to help me out and did
nothing but **** me by not showing up on jobs etc and screwing upthe
wiring etc which I had to end up redoing. Calls me the day before surgery
crying on my shoulder he needed me to give him small cash jobs and he would
run around with me and do service calls etc.because he not worked all month
do to personnel problems he was having.
SOB caused me to loose $10k and now wants back now that i got things moving
again .
nice fucking guy where the **** were you bill when i had all ths jobs lined
up and all you did was **** around.
now he is all mad becuse i went into surgery and did not get him work the
nerve of some people

Frank Olson

nick said:
I found a good young concintious man who has minor electronics background
things for me and handling service calls etc and a handful of electrical
contractors etc I work with all the time helping me keep going and so far
so good .
I have several small installs waiting till I am back up on my feet
hopefully all will work out in the end.

In the mean one of the contractors who was suppose to help me out and did
nothing but **** me by not showing up on jobs etc and screwing upthe
wiring etc which I had to end up redoing. Calls me the day before surgery
crying on my shoulder he needed me to give him small cash jobs and he would
run around with me and do service calls etc.because he not worked all month
do to personnel problems he was having.
SOB caused me to loose $10k and now wants back now that i got things moving
again .
nice fucking guy where the **** were you bill when i had all ths jobs lined
up and all you did was **** around.
now he is all mad becuse i went into surgery and did not get him work the
nerve of some people

Some people just can't work by themselves. Some are good at what they
do, but couldn't schedule themselves or interact with other people (or
customers). I don't know Bill but it sounds like he might know the job
and how to do it, but just can't work on his own or be trusted to deal
with customer service issues. When we team guys up on an installation
we strive to ensure they share all the responsibilities (from layout,
figuring wire runs, termination, programming, and customer interaction).
It's pretty easy to determine where an individual's strong points are.
From there it's his willingness to listen and work on the weak ones
that determine his ultimate suitability for long term
employment/advancement. Then again, some people are simply too set in
their ways (or have picked up bad habits/installation practices that
they can't or won't deal with). Those guys are pretty easy to spot from
their resumes.

I wish you all the best, Nick. Hang in there. Don't get discouraged.

Bob La Londe

I feel for you Nick. I spent two weeks in the hospital and months
recovering (shit I still aint full recovered) from a bad motrcycle accident
several years ago. I watched it all slipping away, and suffered some of the
worst deppression and anger of my life.

Robert L Bass

nick markowitz said:
I found a good young concintious man who has minor electronics background
running things for me and handling service calls etc and a handful of
electrical contractors etc I work with all the time helping me keep going
and so far so good . I have several small installs waiting till I am back up
on my feet hopefully all will work out in the end.

In the mean one of the contractors who was suppose to help me out and did
nothing but **** me by not showing up on jobs etc and screwing upthe
wiring etc which I had to end up redoing. Calls me the day before surgery
crying on my shoulder he needed me to give him small cash jobs and he would
run around with me and do service calls etc.because he not worked all month
do to personnel problems he was having. SOB caused me to loose $10k and
now wants back now that i got things moving again . nice fucking guy where
the **** were you bill when i had all ths jobs lined up and all you did was
**** around.
now he is all mad becuse i went into surgery and did not get him work the
nerve of some people


Glad you've got someone (other than "Bill") helping you. If you ever decide
you'd rather not climb ladders (I still can't catch my breath nearly two years
after my surgery) let me know. I'd be happy to help you start an online
store. FWIW, I'm currently moving between $5 and 6K per day, 7 days a week.
It's just as challenging mentally as running a small alarm company -- just not
physically demanding. It provides me with a way to support my rapidly growing
family* as well as those who work for me directly and under contract.

*Growing Family -- we now have a beautiful, 7-month old god daughter who stays
with us three days a week. We're also awaiting the arrival of a couple with
six children who will be staying with us for a few months while they get back
on their feet. They lost their home and unfortunately there was no insurance.
They were living in a barn until we found out about them through some church


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-232-0791
Fax 941-870-3252

Robert L Bass

Tantalust said:
BTW, don't put up with any BS about the pain meds, most smart sensitive
doctors have completly revised the ridiculously outdated management
policies. If you need something, just demand it or threaten to find another

Absolutely right! I experienced severe pain during the chemo (bad reaction to
Neulasta) until I complained. They gave me a steroid medecine (I forget the
brand) and it brought things under control within hours. The oncology nurse
caqlled the next day to ask how I was doing with the steroids. I told her
that the pain was almost completely gone but that my neck was getting thick
and I had a strange urge to play football. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-232-0791
Fax 941-870-3252

Robert L Bass

Bob La Londe said:
I feel for you Nick. I spent two weeks in the hospital and months recovering
(shit I still aint full recovered) from a bad motrcycle accident several
years ago. I watched it all slipping away, and suffered some of the worst
deppression and anger of my life...

Hi Bob,

Speaking of motorcycles, I had a great time at Daytona Beach last weekend. I
don't know what the count was but it looked like there were around 500,000
bikes in town. Riding the M109R through the tunnel into the Daytona Speedway
was cool. Main Street was beyond awesome with hundreds of vendors showing
their wares, a thousand bars offering ice cold beer and all kinds of food and
gorgeous girls galore parading around in bikinis and doing wet T-shirt
contests, [which of course I didn't watch]. ;)

You ought to come down this time next year when Bob C is around again.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-232-0791
Fax 941-870-3252

Frank Olson

Robert said:
now he is all mad becuse i went into surgery and did not get him work
the nerve of some people


Glad you've got someone (other than "Bill") helping you. If you ever
decide you'd rather not climb ladders (I still can't catch my breath
nearly two years after my surgery) let me know. I'd be happy to help
you start an online store. FWIW, I'm currently moving between $5 and 6K
per day, 7 days a week. It's just as challenging mentally as running a
small alarm company -- just not physically demanding. It provides me
with a way to support my rapidly growing family* as well as those who
work for me directly and under contract.

I'll be you have a lot of $5 days. Charge-backs must be a killer though.

*Growing Family -- we now have a beautiful, 7-month old god daughter who
stays with us three days a week. We're also awaiting the arrival of a
couple with six children who will be staying with us for a few months
while they get back on their feet. They lost their home and
unfortunately there was no insurance. They were living in a barn until
we found out about them through some church friends.

St. Bass to the rescue. I find it interesting that you feel you have to
boast about your charity so often (considering you're a supposed

"They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly;
All who do wickedness vaunt themselves."
- Psalm 52

"Thus says the LORD, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom,
and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man
boast of his riches..."
- Jeremiah 9:23

"1 Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by
otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
2 So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the
hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be
honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
3 But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your
right hand is doing,
4 so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is
done in secret will reward you."
- Matthew 6:1-4

Frank Olson

Robert L Bass wrote:

<nothing terribly important>

Has your "customer service number" changed *again*??? Maybe you should
spend a couple of minutes and update your website's "contact information".

Frank Olson

Robert L Bass wrote:

It provides me
with a way to support my rapidly growing family* as well as those who
work for me directly and under contract.

Gee... I sure do hope you've registered with the appropriate state
authority (ie. Worker's Comp.) seeing as how you've just stated you have
"people" working for you "directly". If they're providing "technical
support" or "consultation" to Florida residents (that happen to stumble
in to your "kludge site"), I wonder if they have to be licensed as well
(considering your "nexus" *is* Florida)?

nick markowitz

this asshole who was helping me was a full fledged electrical
contractor so not only him but his crew of 8 fucked me as well
I came on job at school that need a fire alarm installed so it could be
opened in 3 days after a treatment one day to find
no work done by his guys bill no where in site and 3 of them involved in a
fist fight the school superintendent called them to his office and fired
them on spot for fucking things up talk about embarrasing.
and this asshole now expeccts me to bail him out again

Frank Olson

nick said:
this asshole who was helping me was a full fledged electrical
contractor so not only him but his crew of 8 fucked me as well
I came on job at school that need a fire alarm installed so it could be
opened in 3 days after a treatment one day to find
no work done by his guys bill no where in site and 3 of them involved in a
fist fight the school superintendent called them to his office and fired
them on spot for fucking things up talk about embarrasing.
and this asshole now expeccts me to bail him out again

When you mentioned "Bill", it was as an "individual" (whose behaviour
could be excused). As a "full fledged electrical contractor", he should
know better and his behaviour is reflected in the way his company does
business and in the people he employs. I wouldn't even give him the
time of day if someone did to me what this asshole did to you.