Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newby project idea for HND main project help and advice needed please

hi all this is my first post.i have just started my HND and have been asked to design a project of my choice. i love sound quality and music so want to build an amplifier/ ipod dock.basically i want to know are my thaughts to ambitious for a first amplifier project. i would like the dock to charge the ipod and input the signal through the usual ipod dock 30 pin method. the speakers will be a seprate project once the amplifier is built

the amplifier design i have been looking at is below

60-100 watts but i dont belive it is stereo sound just a mono. (maybe wrong)

another one is

if im way out please tell me would love for you to sugest a more appropriate amplifier. main thing is i am looking for top sound quality and efficiancy and would love to incorporate an ipod charge and play system just like commercial ipod docks.a bonus would be the inclusion of a graphic equalizer.maybe i am asking for to much but there all just ideas.very eager and excited to learn and start this project over the next 10 months.

any thaughts or ideas much appriciated?

thanks for looking and taking the time to read through my problem.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
66 views and 2 posts anyone got any input? is it usualy like this steve lol.

Yeah. There's only so many times we can answer the question "Can you choose my project for me?"

All the stuff you're asking about is available via Google.

If you want the best quality you're not going to get the best efficiency. Class A vs Class [insert anything else here].

And why you'd bother with "best quality" when you're playing highly compressed audio I don't know... Unless you're going to allow other (presumably higher quality) sound inputs.
Yeah. There's only so many times we can answer the question "Can you choose my project for me?"

All the stuff you're asking about is available via Google.

If you want the best quality you're not going to get the best efficiency. Class A vs Class [insert anything else here].

And why you'd bother with "best quality" when you're playing highly compressed audio I don't know... Unless you're going to allow other (presumably higher quality) sound inputs.

this is not a can you choose my project post.i have clearly chosen 3 project specifications and was looking for pros and conns of the 3 chosen.the choice in the end is ultimately mine

i would consider ipod music at around 320kbps pretty good audio quality but there will be a line in for other audio applications.

what im looking for is help like any obvious problems you can see,or personaly id pick project A B C etc because.... then i can learn from people higher in the industry than me that have much more experience in this area. this is an electronics forum,and i would just like to talk about my electronics project with people that have been through what i am going through..
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
OK, here's what you need to do:

1) determine the output level from the i-device

2) determine the power required for an adequate listening level using speakers of some reasonable efficiency -- do you want to drive headphones, or a fill a packed stadium with earsplitting volume, or somewhere in between?

3) Determine how much distortion is acceptable. Saying "Best quality" is at best a motherhood statement and at worst a recipe for needless cost and complexity.

4) determine if there is an amplifier module that can accept (1) and produce at least (2) with no more than the distortion determined at (3).

5) if you want a graphic equalizer ensure it can work with the signal levels you have/need.

6) Perhaps consider some of the other features as seperate modules unless they have an impact on your amplifier.

7) Determine power supply and cooling requirements, etc.

I have no idea if you need to design stuff, or if you can just plug modules together.
OK, here's what you need to do:

1) determine the output level from the i-device

2) determine the power required for an adequate listening level using speakers of some reasonable efficiency -- do you want to drive headphones, or a fill a packed stadium with earsplitting volume, or somewhere in between?

3) Determine how much distortion is acceptable. Saying "Best quality" is at best a motherhood statement and at worst a recipe for needless cost and complexity.

4) determine if there is an amplifier module that can accept (1) and produce at least (2) with no more than the distortion determined at (3).

5) if you want a graphic equalizer ensure it can work with the signal levels you have/need.

6) Perhaps consider some of the other features as seperate modules unless they have an impact on your amplifier.

7) Determine power supply and cooling requirements, etc.

I have no idea if you need to design stuff, or if you can just plug modules together.

hi steve my design has to come from scratch.i can use chips like in the chip amp above but not a kit that you can just chuck together.needs to be more difficult. listening levels lets just say an acceptable level that would fill the room.after all we all like our music loud.

cooling would be done with a big heatsink and fans but i need to workout the impact on the amlifier because of distortion.

the problem with the amplifiers i have chosen above is i am usure how much the costs are going to be and if they are all relisticly acheivable.thanks for the reply :)


the problem with the amplifiers i have chosen above is i am usure how much the costs are going to be and if they are all relisticly acheivable.thanks for the reply :)

ok the first link you gave was to a mono amplifier using discrete transistors.
As a first project it would a serious undertaking, probably not the best idea in your case, specially as you would have to build 2 of them for a stereo output.
Conn's ... complexity, hi component count, large circuit boards etc - therefore high cost.

the second link is to a stereo, IC based amplifier, capable of delivering ~ 70W / channel
pro's ... small board layout, good heatsink and fan will keep things cool, ease of construction, physically small size, PSU circuit is provided, low cost.

a bit of googling to component suppliers like mouser etc will get you prices on transformers, IC,s etc

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ok the first link you gave was to a mono amplifier using discrete transistors.
As a first project it would a serious undertaking, probably not the best idea in your case, specially as you would have to build 2 of them for a stereo output.
Conn's ... complexity, hi component count, large circuit boards etc - therefore high cost.

the second link is to a stereo, IC based amplifier, capable of delivering ~ 70W / channel
pro's ... small board layout, good heatsink and fan will keep things cool, ease of construction, physically small size, PSU circuit is provided, low cost.

a bit of googling to component suppliers like mouser etc will get you prices on transformers, IC,s etc


hi dave thanks for that.just what i needed to hear,i was unsure how complex the first one was and the costs involved so now i may build the 2nd have a chat with my tutor today and get his views.think i am going to put the build on here incase someone else would like to build what i am doing.thanks
