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Maker Pro

Newbie questions on wireless systems - need some advice / help



After a rash of break-ins in our area, my husband and I have agreed to
set up some type of alarm system. About 1 1/2 years ago we explored
the professional installations with the "well-known" companies out
there and were turned off to that idea, we purchased a couple of door
sensors instead.

What we are looking for is the following:

Wireless system (D I Y type)- we have basic experience, we have done
several upgrades in our home but we are not electronic gurus,
therefore we think that wireless would be best (not to mention the
wiring headaches)

A system with 3 door sensors, motion sensor, audible alarm and
something that would be capable of making a call when we are away from
home (land line and cell if possible). I like the idea of something
that turns lights on such as the Powermax system but don't know what
is involved in setting something up like that.

Our intent is to have something in place that can serve a couple of
-Something with an alarm that would scare intruders away, my husband
works swing shift and I would feel better having some type of alert
system in place.
-Something that will make noise and can contact us while we are away.
We live in the country so having a monitoring system would be a waste
since it would take forever to have the police come out. If we got a
call, we could in turn contact our neighbor, family member to check
things out.

We do have a pet chihuahua that lives indoor.

I hope that I have put in enough information, any help would be
greatly appreciated!

Jim Rojas

Try one of the following:

Ademco LynxREN
ITI Simon 3
Visonic Powermax

All are readily available on the internet.

Jim Rojas


[email protected] (Maddie) wrote in message news: said:
What we are looking for is the following:

Wireless system (D I Y type)- we have basic experience, we have done
several upgrades in our home but we are not electronic gurus,
therefore we think that wireless would be best (not to mention the
wiring headaches)

A system with 3 door sensors, motion sensor, audible alarm and
something that would be capable of making a call when we are away from
home (land line and cell if possible). I like the idea of something
that turns lights on such as the Powermax system but don't know what
is involved in setting something up like that.

I would go with the GE Simon 3, which is X-10 ready and can switch
on/off interior lighting. I also offer the following suggestions...

1) Locate the panel in a not so obvious place like the Master Bedroom,
or another room that is not near any obvious points of entry.

2) Use keyfobs, or a remote wireless keypad, to turn the system on and

3) Locate at least one, and preferably two, remote wireless sirens
around the house in not so readily visible outlets. This will make it
very difficult for an intruder to locate the source of the panel siren
and make it more difficult to disable the panel before it communicates
to the central station.

4) Make sure you use an RJ-31X phone jack and get phone line seizure.

The GE Simon uses the ITI wireless devices which are among the best in
this price range. The Simon 3 is also the easiest, IMHO, to install,
program, and enroll devices.


Al Colombo

Be sure to go with a known name wireless alarm manufacturer, such as
Linear, DSC, Ademco, and others. Ask some of the folks you know who
have alarm systems if some or all of their systems are wireless and
who's equipment they are using. Same thing for the alarm company you
decide on. Be sure that they do a good job and that they stand behind
their work. This is a very important aspect of having an alarm system

About monitoring, if you live in the country, you still need to
consider the use of central station monitoring. If no one responds to
the alarm, they will be back--maybe even that very night. After all,
if it's not monitored, and if no one is coming, what do they have to

Al Colombo, Tech Writer


Al, I would agree with you personally. Those in the country assume
monitoring is useless simply because response times are often long, but
thieves will often take the time to thoroughly go through the house making
more of a mess. I've personally seen breakins where the thieves have spent
the whole day there, eating the food, drinking the liquor and even
defecating on the rugs in the home, simply because they could, given no
response to the alarm.

One of the purposes of monitoring is to ensure the home is properly secured
after the breakin, and limit the time the thieves have to do their dirty
deeds. It isn't perfect, but given the alternatives, it's better than
guaranteeing no response through no monitoring at all.
