Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newbie in need of help-voltage readout LED

Hey all,

I am not an expert, just a hobbyist, more of a PC geek than hardcore electronics. I need to have an LED readout wired into a pathway.
I have a Koolance dual 24volt pump controller (step-up converter) which runs off 12v (PC's psu) and converts it to 24v at 55watts max for running water pumps.

this is the unit:

It has 2 knobs for adjusting the voltage to anything between 10 and 24 volts. What it does NOT have is any kind of readout of the voltage.

What I need are 2 LEDs, one to each channel, which would be mounted in the PC just above the controller, displaying the voltages. The LED/voltmeters would run off the output current of the controller, or alternatively, they could use a separate 12v power source.

I have a basic idea of what i need, but I need specifics. If I go to mcmaster or any electronics website, there are hundreds of different devices sorta-kinda like what i need. the problem is I don't know exactly what this would be called. If i look for "voltmeters" i get multimeters, which are not do-able in a PC panel. the LED module would need to be no more than 1.5 inches in height, so as to fit in a 5.25" x 2" bay cover. A specific model, website, etc would be helpful.

This would probably be a snap for anyone in electronics, so I'm hoping someone here can help
