Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newbie asking Again Sorry



My hd crashed and all backup data was lost so could original poster please
ta sunnie

I have a 145b programmer
pic 16f84
and have compiled the basic led flash programe in mplabs get a hex file
using microPro i can read the chip and do the usual stuff as in look at the
when i programe the chip i get an error saying that it cannot read 000x0
is this a pre used area
Am i using the wrong compiler
Ta in advance

Tim H.

Sunnie said:
My hd crashed and all backup data was lost so could original poster please
ta sunnie

I have a 145b programmer
pic 16f84
and have compiled the basic led flash programe in mplabs get a hex file
using microPro i can read the chip and do the usual stuff as in look at the
when i programe the chip i get an error saying that it cannot read 000x0
is this a pre used area
Am i using the wrong compiler

I don't think this is a software issue per se. The memory location 0x0000 is
the reset vector ("org 0....goto main"). I'm not sure how the programmer
software does it, but most of them follow this process:

Program memory at location N
Read back location N to verify
If memory <> hex, generate error.

So, if the programmer tries to write to 0x0000 and gets an error, then
finishes writing the rest of the chip, I'd say it's the chip. However, if
the programmer software follow this sequence:

Program memory at location N
Loop until N=sizeof(hex file)


Then I'd say it's an input issue with the programmer. Meaning, it can write
to the chip but isn't able to read data from it. Check all connections, if
it's a printer port based programmer, make sure the parallel port is setup
for ECP/EPP or whatever the documentation states.


Alex Gibson

Sunnie said:
My hd crashed and all backup data was lost so could original poster please
ta sunnie

I have a 145b programmer
pic 16f84
and have compiled the basic led flash programe in mplabs get a hex file
using microPro i can read the chip and do the usual stuff as in look at the
when i programe the chip i get an error saying that it cannot read 000x0
is this a pre used area
Am i using the wrong compiler
Ta in advance

Usually an error in programming or configuration
of the programmer or chip.

Have you another chip you can try programming ?

Also you may have accidentally code protected the chip while programming it
