Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New to electronics, need help with a cam activated switch

I bought a old slot machine that was pretty much gutted but I hope to make it semi working by connecting the arm to a switch which will trigger the solenoids to cause the wheels to start spinning.

My problem is there is a cam shaft (much like one in a car) that is run by a motor to one by one stop the reels from spinning. my problem is on the end of the cam there is a lobe which I will use with a switch to turn off the motor but I'm worried that the lobe will stop with the switch still depressed.

I don't know much about electronics but I was thinking if there is a switch that once pushed in would go from on to off to on again even thought the switch is still depressed that would solve my problem, or maybe if there is a time switch that once depressed it waits a small amount of time before it breaks the circuit.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated
I would be more worried that the lobe would pass the switch, the motor will not stop immediately.

A momentary contact normally ON switch is what you are describing, but, (see above) I don't think it would work unless there was a lever with some length to it. Look for microswitches, theses come with levers like that.

thanks for the reply BobK. yes there is a lever that is on the existing switch, I would like to use it but wasn't sure if there was some programming to delay the break.

I haven't turned on the motor yet for a test but I did do a manual turning and it takes 40 complete turns of the motor from when the existing switch "clicks" to break the circuit to when there is a "click" of it going back to the always on position. I'm not sure it that motor will go that many turns when turned off
if there is a switch that once pushed in would go from on to off to on again even thought the switch is still depressed that would solve my problem

I think you need to describe your application a little better.
I can see no reason for a limit switch to change state only to immediately return to the previous state.

What you are describing above is a monostable action and it can be done, I just don't see it in your application as described so far.

What I think you might be leading to is an override action.
This is my first electronics project so I wouldn't be surprised if I was way off on what I think will work.

This is the plan the lever (one armed bandit) will get pulled down and trigger a relay, the relay will turn on solenoids but also turn on the motor to start turning the cam that stops the reels from spinning. The motor is highly geared down so it turns many times to get one complete turn of the cam. there are four lobes on the cam, three for stopping the reels and one at the end to trigger the motor to stop, the stop cam takes 40 rotations of the motor to go from the breaking of the circuit to being released so the that the switch is ready for the next go around.

My worry is that the cam will come around trigger the switch then the motor will somewhat quickly stop and the cam lobe will still be pushing on the switch lever, then when I try and pull the one armed bandit again nothing happens as the switch on the cam is still breaking my circuit

I don't know what a override action is but it sounds like something I need to research.

Thanks for the help and patience as I am boggle by what is probably the simplest of electronic projects
Yes, this was what I thought you were trying to get at and hence the "over-ride".

Over-ride is a momentary contact switch that by-passes or Over-rides the cam operated limit switch.
Momentary contact meaning it is closed only while being pressed so essentially it is a start button if you like.
Wired in parallel with your limit switch, and held in long enough for the mechanics to drive the cam and hence drive the limit closed again, then released.