Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New here, need to find a momentary keyswitch

As the title says, Ive been looking off and on
for roughly 5 years now for a particular
keyswitch. Its SPDT momentary, center off

While plenty of these exist, I need one that has dual momentary
contacts (Turn right is momentary, as is turning left)

I know these exist, as i used one along time ago, but
have never seen them again. I have searched through digi-key and other
places as well as ask at a local electronics part dealer

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Google the keyswitch, and then narrow the search for the operation you want.
Of course the switch you needs exists. When you've identified a few of the
manufacturers, email them to ask, if you don't see the switch you want on their
website inventory.
Get aggressive in your search, and you'll find what you need.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Go to digikey and search for "toggle switch"

Then select the obvious category for toggle switches (you'll end up here).

In the "Circuit" box, select SPDT

In the "Switch function" box select mom-off-mom

Click on "Apply filters"

You now have 1492 switches to choose from that meet your stated requirements. (OK, some are for different quantities or packaging, some may not be in stock, etc)

You can then do some other tricks like selecting (In stock) and entering a quantity (1) then sorting by price.

Once you do this, you find a switch like this.