Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New Forum for Ideas, Experiences of Alternative Energy


Malcolm Hay

We have just started a Forum for those of us who want to look at alternative
home energy systems, including wind power, solar power, water power and
bio-fuel (including slow revving engines like the old Lister Diesels). We
are looking for people with ideas and/or experience of these renewable
fuels, and how they can be harnessed for our future. We welcome all comers,
those with lots of experience and those of us who just want to learn...
Please drop in, register and post your thoughts, you will be some of the
first contributors....

Thank you for your time

Malcolm Hay

Mike Payne

Is there something wrong with THIS forum? I thought that was its purpose in

Malcolm Hay

Sorry Mike, I didn't realise there was only ONE true forum, this was just a
polite invitation to those of you who have some practical experience of
renewables to share it with others, and to upload photos and details of
their projects so we can learn from each other.

Vaughn Simon

Malcolm Hay said:
Sorry Mike, I didn't realise there was only ONE true forum, this was just a
polite invitation to those of you who have some practical experience of
renewables to share it with others, and to upload photos and details of their
projects so we can learn from each other.

Sorry, Malcolm, but I have to respectfully side with Mike on this one.

When we fragment into too many obscure forums, we lose a certain "critical
mass". When that happens you are left with the same few "experts" in each forum
and insufficient infusion of new ideas. In general, the bigger the forum, the

In short, the world has little need for more forums.


Vaughn Simon

Ulysses said:
I agree with this thinking: it's easier for me to only have to go to one
place for discussions even though half the time my responses don't ever make
it here. When I asked my ISP about it several years ago they couldn't
understand why anyone would want to read newsgroups and didn't think anybody
still did. Meanwhile my newsgroup server only works sometimes.

Even though I have DSL service from another carrier, I keep my WorldNet
account so that I have access to their excellent news server, to give me
alternate dialup access when I am out of town & when my DSL is down, and to keep
my e-mail addy.
