Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New electronics Parts and Supplies store



Best get those prices under control because us Tech,s do not pay those


Dave M

Thanks Kip. Some items will be very competitive others not so much. I
don't know what items you had a look at. I do appreciate your feedback.

You really should change the color scheme on your menu bar on the left hand side
of the page. Black text on a dark background is very hard to read.

Go with contrasting colors... dark text on light background, or light text on
dark background.


Dave M

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!

Rich Webb

You really should change the color scheme on your menu bar on the left hand side
of the page. Black text on a dark background is very hard to read.

Go with contrasting colors... dark text on light background, or light text on
dark background.

Another suggestion to the OP:

Recommend that your category listing page (the one with all the nice
pictures of all of the items) default to either a "no pictures" page or
to a "thumbnails" page and then provide a link from there to a "show
images" page. Some folks still have slower connections and sometimes the
'net is just slow.