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NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)

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NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)

"Ask Mr. Microwave" is a blog designed to answer common (and not so
common) questions about microwave oven use, abuse, and trouble and to
help you save money on microwave use, repair, and purchasing.

# # #

George said:
NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)

"Ask Mr. Microwave" is a blog designed to answer common (and not so
common) questions about microwave oven use, abuse, and trouble and to
help you save money on microwave use, repair, and purchasing.

# # #

Is it OK to put large quantities of SPAM in a microwave?

Sam Goldwasser

George said:
Is it OK to put large quantities of SPAM in a microwave?

A microwave with a USB port would be great. Then you could feed the
SPAM in directly. :)

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George said:
Is it OK to put large quantities of SPAM in a microwave?

Yes, but be sure to cover with several layers of paper towels because
the fat really flies!


George said:
Is it OK to put large quantities of SPAM in a microwave?

Good one.

On the subject of microwaves, I recently learned what you *cannot* do in
I was home alone and decided to raid the refrigerator. I found a big tub of
pre-mixed chocolate chip cookie dough and decided a little snack would be
nice. I didn't want to get involved with firing up the oven and finding
cookie sheets, etc., so I put three tablespoonful globs of the stuff on a
dish and stuck it in the microwave. I did a quick mental calculation ....
meaning I did a wild-assed guess ... and programmed five minutes at 80
percent power. Pushed the start button and went off into another room to do

After about three minutes my dog (Sam Adams) caught my attention by barking
his head off in the kitchen.
I came over to see what his problem was and there was smoke pouring out of
the microwave rapidly filling the room. The stupid cookies had caught fire.
Then the alarm system went off which automatically caused the fire and
police department to call to see if our house was on fire.

Lesson learned.

Eisboch said:
I came over to see what his problem was and there was smoke pouring out of
the microwave rapidly filling the room. The stupid cookies had caught fire.

Ah. I see. The _cookies_ were stupid.

Ayah. I may have run across a few of those myself!

Tater said:
NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)

"Ask Mr. Microwave" is a blog designed to answer common (and not so
common) questions about microwave oven use, abuse, and trouble and to
help you save money on microwave use, repair, and purchasing.

# # #

I like putting in AOL CDs and running them at full power for about 4

a great light show. better if you can do it in the dark.

Jim Land

Will you have instructions for removing the door, bypassing the door
switch, and using it to zap bugs as they fly through the air?

Charles Schuler said:
NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)

"Ask Mr. Microwave" is a blog designed to answer common (and not so
common) questions about microwave oven use, abuse, and trouble and to
help you save money on microwave use, repair, and purchasing.

my new wife decided to make baked potatoes, 20 minutes at full power
ruined the microwave and smoked up the house. White stove became pure

priceless story retold for near 10 years now:):)

Michael A. Terrell

MRS. CLEAN said:
Yes, but be sure to cover with several layers of paper towels because
the fat really flies!

What do you think the plastic spatter shields are for? Also, they
are great for reheating pizza without drying it out.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
Will you have instructions for removing the door, bypassing the door
switch, and using it to zap bugs as they fly through the air?

Forget bugs! How about a couple hundred stacked like a video wall,
and use it at a political debate to really turn the heat on the
candidates? ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rick Onanian

Michael said:
What do you think the plastic spatter shields are for? Also, they
are great for reheating pizza without drying it out.

You can reheat a pizza in a microwave and have it dry out? I've never
nuked any piece of pizza that didn't come out soggy.

Michael A. Terrell

Rick said:
You can reheat a pizza in a microwave and have it dry out? I've never
nuked any piece of pizza that didn't come out soggy.

Amateur! I can make it look and feel just like I walked in the door
with it in the box.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Anthony Matonak

Michael said:
Amateur! I can make it look and feel just like I walked in the door
with it in the box.

Why would anyone want to reheat pizza? Cold pizza is excellent.


Homer J Simpson

You can reheat a pizza in a microwave and have it dry out? I've never
nuked any piece of pizza that didn't come out soggy.

Do it on cardboard and then give it a couple of minutes in an oven.