Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need Zebra connector

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typing Zebra connector into google came up with lots of suppliers,\take your pick or email a few of them :)

They want quantity and I want single. Please do not respond if you do not know where I can find ONE Zebra connector.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Please do not post if you want to criticize people for helping.

All we've been doing up to now is teasing out information that should have been in your first post.


Hi I am in the US (WA) and I am after a single rectangular zebra connector. I have tried several places but they will only supply large quantities. Any assistance would be most gratefully received.

Criticizing us for your failures in communication is a bit rough.
They want quantity and I want single. Please do not respond if you do not know where I can find ONE Zebra connector.

Before you spout off again, how many of those Google hits did you contact and inquire about a 'sample' or two? I'm betting none as almost all companies will supply you with a sample if you approach them in a professional manner for one...

As for where to get you gave ZERO indication of what pitch, size or orientation you want, you asked a generic question and got a generic answer...

So to be nice I'm going to tell you to go to a dollar store and get a cheap calculator or pedometer I know both of them have Zebra connectors in there hooking up the display, at least the ones I have opened... If it doesn't suit your needs that you have failed to state, you have only your self to blame as we are not mind readers...
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