Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need to fix a camera power cap that snaps

I have a power cap that is snapping in a magnavox TV camera.

I want to change the cap.

but I can't tell where the cap is, because the external supply-battery charger set doesn't draw any power unless it is connected.( the cap may be in the battery set)

I also cannot find a way to open the magnavox box tv camera case.

any and All help respected, admonished, and appreciated....

I have model info but I can't find any local fix it guy to do the repair.

please assist me in this:eek:
whine and pop

it starts out with a shine that grows and then snaps....out go the lights.

I opened the case, it needs a fuse, and the board with the fuse on it appears to be really cooked...
where to put photos

I have a myspace on MSN, that I can post the address of my photos...

unless the forum-board has a special photo storage set up?
unless the forum-board has a special photo storage set up?
Yes, the Forum has the facility to post up pictures. You'll find it as an option after creating a post, but prior to posting, called, "Manage Attachments".

Would you like pictures of boths sides of the SolidState board, or would you like only the terminals side?
Yes, both sides and as many as you can take, but especially the affected area. :)
Relayer :D


..........Yes, both sides and as many as you can take, but especially the affected area. :)
Relayer :D

a single quality (sharp and well lit) pic of each side would probably be enough

keep images to ~ a max of 800x600 pixels and 100kb or less

ie ... resize and compress before posting

ohhh ... you still havent clarified your use of the word "snaps" what do you mean
is there an audible bang, click or something ??

Board Pics

ok heres the pics....
theres a problem with the resource it cannot be veiwed?


  • CAMERAREPAIR 020.jpg
    CAMERAREPAIR 020.jpg
    141.7 KB · Views: 155
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whine and snap

high pitched squeal... getting higher as it speeds up, then an extremely sharp pop, that sounds more like a snap than a pop, like a power cap snapping except a bit louder I think(I heard this in electronics class) I will need a new fuse.


where is the squeal coming from ? the circuit board directly or from a speaker ?

I dont see any obviously blown capacitors on that board
tho the 2 pics of the component side are pretty blurry can you do a really good sharp one and make it a bit bigger.
What is the IC in the board that long black component with a row of pins out the bottom of it ? what numbers are on it ?

I opened the case, it needs a fuse, and the board with the fuse on it appears to be really cooked...
If you're referring to the solder side of the PCB as "really cooked", then I have to disappoint you. That's just residual solder flux from the factory. Unfortunately many Chinese companies shirked on cleaning and assembly. Rather sloppy finish on most of their products early in the piece.

What is the IC in the board that long black component with a row of pins out the bottom of it ? what numbers are on it ?
I'd say the IC will be a 3842 PWM Controller or a variant of it. i.e. KA3842, KA3842A, KA3842B, KA3842P etc. Can also start with KIA or uC.
I fondly remember these in PC monitors and most CTV's of around the era. They were usually reliable, but they did exhibit weird symptoms when they sometimes failed. Though not a snapping sound.
Relayer :D
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what a mell dame outa this kamruh......


woe is me. know where I can score a board like this?
Hot equipment vs Robotic accuracy

If you're referring to the solder side of the PCB as "really cooked", then I have to disappoint you. That's just residual solder flux from the factory. Unfortunately many Chinese companies shirked on cleaning and assembly. Rather sloppy finish on most of their products early in the piece.

I'd say the IC will be a 3842 PWM Controller or a variant of it. i.e. KA3842, KA3842A, KA3842B, KA3842P etc. Can also start with KIA or uC.
I fondly remember these in PC monitors and most CTV's of around the era. They were usually reliable, but they did exhibit weird symptoms when they sometimes failed. Though not a snapping sound.
Relayer :D

I have been poking around in here for a long long time...... I think I could name every component in here.... I have been told that same thing before and, I hate to be the one to tell you this, the brown on the board is from over heating. basically like too much iron on a chip. Except... in this case. from the smell. this cookie has been hotter than a 2 bit pony on a menagerie of classical vet shots!!!!!