Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need someone to build a test unit

I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source. The antenna
would be negatively charged at a constant rate by the source and the
antenna would bleed electron charge to the air at a constant rate. The
antenna will actually loose charge in quanta, that is to say it will
not be at a flat rate but will be in measurable steps. This x-quanta
or step action should be measurable if we place a frequency metering
system parallel or in line with the charging line that extends from the
source to the antenna. When the antenna looses charge by x-quanta the
charging source will replace that lost charge in steps of x-quanta.
Charge seeks a state of equilibrium and the charging line will have the
same charge density as the antenna and will show a step-drop of
x-quanta in sequence with the antenna step-loss action.

What I need and will pay for is a complete unit as outlined above. Now
then does anyone have the expertise or knowledge to build such a unit?


I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source. The antenna
would be negatively charged at a constant rate by the source and the
antenna would bleed electron charge to the air at a constant rate. The
antenna will actually loose charge in quanta, that is to say it will
not be at a flat rate but will be in measurable steps. This x-quanta
or step action should be measurable if we place a frequency metering
system parallel or in line with the charging line that extends from the
source to the antenna. When the antenna looses charge by x-quanta the
charging source will replace that lost charge in steps of x-quanta.
Charge seeks a state of equilibrium and the charging line will have the
same charge density as the antenna and will show a step-drop of
x-quanta in sequence with the antenna step-loss action.

What I need and will pay for is a complete unit as outlined above. Now
then does anyone have the expertise or knowledge to build such a unit?

I think you'll find that this was done by Roy Orbison in about 1910 but it
all got updated by Demis Roussos in the mid 70's until he lost the plot when
SpecSavers discontinued Nana Mouskouris frames.

Last time I checked Elvis was dead and I think Roy is as well. It has
something to do with Olive Oil.... Go Figure.


John Larkin

I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source. The antenna
would be negatively charged at a constant rate by the source and the
antenna would bleed electron charge to the air at a constant rate. The
antenna will actually loose charge in quanta, that is to say it will
not be at a flat rate but will be in measurable steps. This x-quanta
or step action should be measurable if we place a frequency metering
system parallel or in line with the charging line that extends from the
source to the antenna. When the antenna looses charge by x-quanta the
charging source will replace that lost charge in steps of x-quanta.
Charge seeks a state of equilibrium and the charging line will have the
same charge density as the antenna and will show a step-drop of
x-quanta in sequence with the antenna step-loss action.

What I need and will pay for is a complete unit as outlined above. Now
then does anyone have the expertise or knowledge to build such a unit?

Nobody on this planet, for sure.


Jim Thompson

I think you'll find that this was done by Roy Orbison in about 1910 but it
all got updated by Demis Roussos in the mid 70's until he lost the plot when
SpecSavers discontinued Nana Mouskouris frames.

Last time I checked Elvis was dead and I think Roy is as well. It has
something to do with Olive Oil.... Go Figure.


Roy Orbison wasn't born yet in 1910, he was born in 1936... and died
of a heart attack in 1989.

...Jim Thompson
I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source. The antenna
would be negatively charged at a constant rate by the source and the
antenna would bleed electron charge to the air at a constant rate. The
antenna will actually loose charge in quanta, that is to say it will
not be at a flat rate but will be in measurable steps. This x-quanta
or step action should be measurable if we place a frequency metering
system parallel or in line with the charging line that extends from the
source to the antenna. When the antenna looses charge by x-quanta the
charging source will replace that lost charge in steps of x-quanta.
Charge seeks a state of equilibrium and the charging line will have the
same charge density as the antenna and will show a step-drop of
x-quanta in sequence with the antenna step-loss action.

What I need and will pay for is a complete unit as outlined above. Now
then does anyone have the expertise or knowledge to build such a unit?

Based on your description, who could know?

Why is the antenna three feet long (914.4mm)?

I presume that you expect the whole of the antenna to be charged to
some fairly spectacular voltage - there's not a lot of point in making
it three feet long if you are looking for voltages of less than about

This sort of voltage has a tendency to discharge as a spark, which
wouldn't exactly bleed charge into the air.

It the antenna has a sharp point, and if the surrounding metal work
shaped the electric field such that the steepest field gradients
coincided with the sharp point, you might be albe to set up a stable
corona discharge, which would bleed charge to air (on its way to you
positive electrode.)

Controlling the rate of discharge might be difficult. and making the
discharge occur in finite lumps of charge - unless you are willing to
accepte 1.6E-19 coulombs as your quantum of charge - might be
positively demanding.

What are you actually trying to do?

Homer J Simpson

I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source.



Jim Thompson said:
Roy Orbison wasn't born yet in 1910, he was born in 1936... and died
of a heart attack in 1989.

...Jim Thompson

OK, so it was his older brother who did that sort of stuff and he was the
creative one who wrote shit music with shit lyrics and sang it with a shit
voice with a shit guitar in front of a shit band. Twang Twang.......

I assumed he had Nana Mouskouris glasses to look at small things.

It's not as if it's not an easy mistake to make!!!!!


My mistake

Jim Thompson

we have a casino near by (last time i went that is) that has a
statue of an indian holding a hatchet. the upper floor is cut out
with a high voltage surrounding ring. at given times of the day, a
charge builds up and generates a lighting bolt that discharges from the
upper floor, to the hatchet's head. below it, is a water a fountain..
its a very interesting display of high voltage and makes for a load bag

A "load bag" noise ?:)

...Jim Thompson


Homer said:

and why is it anymore complicated than a 3 foot wire with a point on it
connected to the negative terminal of a 9 volt battery whose positve
terminal is connected to gorund?

What is the rate of charge you wish to dispense?


Rich Grise

I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source. The antenna
would be negatively charged at a constant rate by the source and the
antenna would bleed electron charge to the air at a constant rate. The
antenna will actually loose charge in quanta, that is to say it will
not be at a flat rate but will be in measurable steps. This x-quanta
or step action should be measurable if we place a frequency metering
system parallel or in line with the charging line that extends from the
source to the antenna. When the antenna looses charge by x-quanta the
charging source will replace that lost charge in steps of x-quanta.
Charge seeks a state of equilibrium and the charging line will have the
same charge density as the antenna and will show a step-drop of
x-quanta in sequence with the antenna step-loss action.

What I need and will pay for is a complete unit as outlined above. Now
then does anyone have the expertise or knowledge to build such a unit?

I'll do it based on what you've written here, in 6 months, for $24,000.00.
$8000.00 to start, $8000.00 at three months, (on approval of progress),
and $8000.00 upon delivery; plus you learn the difference between "lose"
and "loose".

I have a real email and a bogus email - the bogus one (which I can log
onto googlegroups with if I want to) is [email protected]. To make
a real email out of that, elide ard.


Michael A. Terrell

Jamie said:
ok, i miss fired on that one.
sorry about that.

Ok, then tell us what a LOUD bag is? Some drunken broad screaming
obscenities at the staff because she can't find her drink?

You still haven't set that clock.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Michael A. Terrell said:
Ok, then tell us what a LOUD bag is? Some drunken broad screaming
obscenities at the staff because she can't find her drink?

You still haven't set that clock.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


He meant "lewd bang".



Based on your description, who could know?

Why is the antenna three feet long (914.4mm)?

I presume that you expect the whole of the antenna to be charged to
some fairly spectacular voltage - there's not a lot of point in making
it three feet long if you are looking for voltages of less than about

This sort of voltage has a tendency to discharge as a spark, which
wouldn't exactly bleed charge into the air.

It the antenna has a sharp point, and if the surrounding metal work
shaped the electric field such that the steepest field gradients
coincided with the sharp point, you might be albe to set up a stable
corona discharge, which would bleed charge to air (on its way to you
positive electrode.)

Controlling the rate of discharge might be difficult. and making the
discharge occur in finite lumps of charge - unless you are willing to
accepte 1.6E-19 coulombs as your quantum of charge - might be
positively demanding.

What are you actually trying to do?
we have a casino near by (last time i went that is) that has a
statue of an indian holding a hatchet. the upper floor is cut out
with a high voltage surrounding ring. at given times of the day, a
charge builds up and generates a lighting bolt that discharges from the
upper floor, to the hatchet's head. below it, is a water a fountain..
its a very interesting display of high voltage and makes for a load bag

Michael A. Terrell

Bob said:

He meant "lewd bang".


So he's still got the drunken broad in his plans? :)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Tim Shoppa

I want to build a small unit for testing purposes that would consist of
a three-foot metal antenna with a negative charge source. The antenna
would be negatively charged at a constant rate by the source and the
antenna would bleed electron charge to the air at a constant rate. The
antenna will actually loose charge in quanta, that is to say it will
not be at a flat rate but will be in measurable steps. This x-quanta
or step action should be measurable if we place a frequency metering
system parallel or in line with the charging line that extends from the
source to the antenna. When the antenna looses charge by x-quanta the
charging source will replace that lost charge in steps of x-quanta.
Charge seeks a state of equilibrium and the charging line will have the
same charge density as the antenna and will show a step-drop of
x-quanta in sequence with the antenna step-loss action.

What I need and will pay for is a complete unit as outlined above. Now
then does anyone have the expertise or knowledge to build such a unit?

I don't know what the "x-quanta" is, but Milliken did this experiment
about a century ago and won the nobel prize. He called the "x-quanta"
the electron, BTW. The "antenna" that you seek was a little drop of

The scientific demo companies will sell you a complete
high-school-or-introductory-college-physics type demo unit (generally
called the "Milliken oil drop experiment") that does this.
