Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need some help with lcd to oled conversion

ive got a controller with a crappy lcd display i would like to convert it to oled i found the oled screen that i am thinking of using. the issue is that my controller has 2 chipset outputs to the lcd screen one for each side(leftside and right side). the oled display has 1 chipset pin. and i cant find an oled with 2 chipset pins. what can i do? heres the pdf to both screens. or if you guys know of a 2.4" oled i could use?


  • ER-OLEDM024-1_Series_Datasheet.pdf
    823.5 KB · Views: 111
  • G1216B.PDF
    207.7 KB · Views: 246


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Firstly congratulations on getting the datasheets for these displays.

You need to look at them and determine if there are significant differences between them in terms of their interface.

If there are then it will likely be impossible to replace one with the other.

IF the device is controlled by a microcontroller (and it probably is) and IF you have the means of programming it and IF you have the source of the firmware then you might be able to change the way it communicates with the display.