Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need some help to make the (Lirc serial IR receiver)


I'm trying to make this circuit :

I bough all required component an I maked the circuit as specified in the diagram but It doesn't work :( My electronics skills are limited and I dont know if I did mistakes or not.

I have a doubt about the 78L05 regulator. In my case I used the 78S05 regulator. Can it be the problem ?

here is my ugly ciruit I really sorry :/



Hi there
Welcome :)

looking at the circuit from your link,

yeah you have a few problems

Apart from the shocking soldering

the 4.7uF cap isn't wired correctly

You haven't used a 78L05 ... I would have to do a search to see if you have wired the 7805 correctly

There should be a wire directly from pin 5 of the connector to the IR sensor haven't got that ( this also involves the earlier comment about the 4.7uF)

The soldering on the back of the connector is so bad, I wouldn't be surprised if there were solder bridges between multiple pins

unsolder it all and start again
When soldering joints, take the solder and the iron tip to the wired and just use a small bit of solder
DONT put solder onto the tip of the iron and then carry it to the wires, that's how you get the bad joints as shown

Have another go and post photos of the results :)
