It is probably best to post any problems here.
If you were, for example, sending them direct to a moderator you would:
1) Have to wait until that moderator is around again.
2) Hope that the single person you picked out could actually answer your question
3) Risked annoying that person
4) Risked that the person actually responds to such messages.
In any case, If you had done that, and mentioned that you experienced problems, it would be a lot easier if you had mentioned:
1) A link to the thread you were trying to post in.
2) The *exact* error message you were getting.
Without the former I am in no better position to help than I was before, and without the latter I can't really determine what you were being told.
Now, back to the first list above. Posting your message here would give *all* of our members a chance to assist you, and that includes giving you advice similar to this concerning the need for a link to the thread (or at least a method of finding it). Such a response would probably have come sooner, and if it didn't, would probably have taken that person less time to write. If it were me, I would have typed less and wasted less time in asking:
"Can you post a link to the actual thread and the exact error message you get when you try to post there?"