Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help: Xbox shuts off when I tap motherboard.


Bob Business

My xbox has been shutting off lately, which I though may be heat, but
then sometimes it wouldn't turn on, unless I picked up the front of
the xbox about 1-2 inches and let it fall down. But then there was no
telling when it would turn off. Sometimes never, but sometimes right
at the end of the game. Note it does not have any warranty left, so I
opened it up last night. I removed everything and narrowed the
problem to the motherboard. If I power up the motherboard sitting on
the bench, and tap on the front of the board with a stick it turns

I am not sure what to look for, but I looked at the board and there is
nothing obvious (no cracks, etc.). Could it be a cold-solder joint?
I looked around, but don't know what a cold solder looks like for
surface mount stuff. So any guidance would be appreciated.


Wayne Tiffany

It certainly sounds like a crack that is opening under a heat-induced load.
A crack in a solder joint will look like a fine line as the light shines
across it, if you are zoomed in enough. I have a good stereo microscope
that I use for that kind of thing. The best thing would be to scan the
whole board, as one crack may not be the only one.


Bob Business

What sort of place could do this for me? A TV repair place?

James Sweet

Bob Business said:
My xbox has been shutting off lately, which I though may be heat, but
then sometimes it wouldn't turn on, unless I picked up the front of
the xbox about 1-2 inches and let it fall down. But then there was no
telling when it would turn off. Sometimes never, but sometimes right
at the end of the game. Note it does not have any warranty left, so I
opened it up last night. I removed everything and narrowed the
problem to the motherboard. If I power up the motherboard sitting on
the bench, and tap on the front of the board with a stick it turns

It's probably a cracked solder joint in the power supply, you could try
poking around with an insulated stick (like a wooden dowel) with the power
on until you find the ticklish spot.

Bill Jr

Bob Business said:
What sort of place could do this for me? A TV repair place?


If you want repair call 1-800-4MYXBOX
Repair cost is $99.00 US plus tax and shipping to them.

For that price they will fix anything wrong with it.
Downside....prepay only.

No TV shop in their right mind would open one of these for repair without
the possibility of obtaining schematics or support from the manufacturer.

Good Luck,
Bill Jr

BTW, new ones are on sale for $179.00 and come with a controllerS and 2

Wayne Tiffany

On the other hand, what TV shop would turn down what appears to be a cracked
joint and no schematic needed. Now, granted, it may turn into more than
that, but I would think it would be good business relations to tell him you
would at least give it a look, but no guarantees because of lack of

Brian, if you aren't comfortable doing it yourself, I would say to ask
around. Where are you located?


Bill Jr

I know exactly what you are saying.
On the other hand, multilayer motherboards with intermittent can be a lost
Been in that time loosing situation too many times to want to take on that

Good Luck,
Bill Jr

Wayne Tiffany

Hmmm, multilayer - didn't see that one coming. On the other hand once
again, how many cold/crack failures would be down inside? Wouldn't most of
them be on the outside layer, as that's where the components are? Maybe an
ignorant question - haven't ever worked on one.


Bob Business

Note that I did use a stereo microscope, but didn't see anything
suspect. So I ended up just buying a replacement motherboard for $60.

Wayne Tiffany

Don' toss the old one - I would enjoy looking at it if you ever get to the
Kansas City area.


Bill Jr

Can you let me know where you got that mother board for $60.00
I have one with a blown ethernet port that I need to get running again.

Bill Jr