Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need help with Philips TV 20PT2012/595

When Philips TV (20PT2012/595) is switched on, both picture and sound is good but TV switch off by itself after 3 secs approx. The same problem is encountered when TV is switch on again.
Need some views and solutions about this particular problem.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
My first guess is that something is overloading the power supply and that it is shutting down to prevent damage to it (or further damage to the TV.

Some alternate possibilities are that the overload detection in the PSU is faulty, or that there is a problem with the ON/Standby circuit that isn't latching properly in the ON state.

Does the TV switch itself off (as you say), or do you have to cycle the power to get it to start again? Is there any difference using a remote control as opposed to the power switch? Does the power light (if it has one -- or any other lights) behave normally? Are there any unusual sounds? Can you switch the unit on immediately, or do you have to wait a short time?
Affirmative, the TV does switch itself off..and when remote control is used, still it switches off but this time after some 30 secs, i.e same problem occurs, as for the power light, it is a led unusual sound has been detected so far and I have waited for atleast 3 sec before switching on again.
Do you think there is a possibility that the picture tube is causing this problem ?
anyone who has encountered this particular prob ??

Helo, would highly appreciate if i could get some tips ... thnks