Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with my traffic project

A traffic light controller produces five output signals. Three output signals named Veh_Red,
Veh_Amber, Veh_Green control the flow of vehicles while the other two signals named Man_Red,
Man_Green control the flow of pedestrians. Veh_Red and Man_Green are always asserted at the
same time. Similarly, it applied on Veh_Green and Man_Red. Each traffic light indicator will last for
seven seconds in the following steps:
1) 7 seconds for Veh_Red and Man_Green
2) 7 seconds for Veh_Green and Man_Red
3) 7 seconds for Veh_Amber
The process is repeated. A push button is used for pedestrians to cross the road. Three seconds after
pressing the push button, the traffic light controller will trigger to the step (3), 7 seconds for
Veh_Amber. So the pedestrians can cross the road after ten seconds pressing the button. A seven
segment display is used to show the remaining time for pedestrians to cross the road. It only works
in Step (1). It is noted that push button should not work during Step (1) and the 3-second waiting
D1 Project Guideline:
D1A: Implement the push button and a three second counter
D1B: Implement the main controller part
D1C: Implement the seven segment display

The attached file is with the help of some inputs from helpful people. But problem is that the button doesn't reset the lights as what the project mentions. When Veh_Green is ON, and I press the button, the Man_Green would light after 3 seconds while the Veh_Green is still ON. I think that's not correct.

Can someone help me to solve the button part or clean up some of the circuits in the attached file. I am kinda stuck. Deadline for the project is kinda near. Hopefully someone can help me on this.


  • The Only Five Lights.PDF
    562.8 KB · Views: 125
To add on, I have a Mod7 and mod 3 circuit that will give me the clock signals to be input into the two 191 chips that can be seen in the attached file. I did not show that in that circuit if anyone is wondering.