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Maker Pro

Need help with LCD of powerbank!!

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Hello there

I opened a power bank to solder some new connections and have my own length of wires , then I found the LCD of power bank fallen apart from the circuit because of moving the circuit around while soldering!!
I really have got no idea to re-assemble it and fix it to the circuit , because there is no wire connections between circuit and the LCD as far as I see. At first , I though I had lost some part of the circuit something like connector which connects the LCD to circuit , but I'm quite sure I didn't lost anything!

Would you please guide me ?

* I attached a picture of it. The grey glass is the LCD and the two black rubbers were placed between the glass (LCD) and the circuit. the red rectangular I marked is the place of LCD. the white rectangular stuff which is connected to the circuit is the backlight (left side of the red mark)



* I attached a picture of it. The grey glass is the LCD and the two black rubbers were placed between the glass (LCD) and the circuit. the red rectangular I marked is the place of LCD. the white rectangular stuff which is connected to the circuit is the backlight (left side of the red mark)

show closer up pix of the board ... each side
Mistah K . . . . .

You must have the critical portion . . .the PCBs gold fingered contacts . . . . being on the other side of the board.
The Zebra strip with its alternative black conductive and insulative strips, conducts through its black sectors from the contact areas on the PCB, across to the electrodeposited surface contact electrodes*** of the LCD glass plate contact area.(*** VELLY-VELLY delicate).

Avoid oils or paper chaff / cotton linters, deteris, on the Zebras contact ends.


73s de Edd
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You are right. The Elastomeric connector is the only connection between board and the LCD. I tested it and it started working again. But it is WAY too difficult to have the LCD fully fixed on the Elastomeric connector and board. It is really loose. I have to put pressure with my fingers to make it work. What should I do ?!

Harald Kapp

Typically the LCD is fixed by some sort of clamping mechanism, e.g. by a bezel as shown in 73's Ed's photo or by the housing. From your photo I'd expect that you fit the LCD to the housing, place the zebra strips onto the connectors, then put the PCB on top of this sandwich and close the housing.
Unless there are parts that may provide a locking mechanism that you haven't shown in your picture.

If you lack such a locking mechanism, you'll have to construct one of your own, w.g. by a bezel that is held down with moderate force (so the zebra strips give good contact but are not squeezed too hard). You may be able to use glue, tape or screws to hold the bezel in place. This is, however, only the second best option. There sure has been a mechanisme in the housing you opened.
Mistah K . . . . .

Let me lift that bezel cover up a little, for better visual access.

Then, you cut two spacer strips from a manilla folder to up the clamping action .
Might as well blacken them all up with a BLACK Marks a Lot to totally hide them from any lateral
close up view.
If that does not quite provide enough additional clamping pressure slip in yet a second set of shims.

If THAT still doesnt FULLY work . . .I will give you my world wide famous Timely Techno Tip on Zebra
strips of posting times past.

( Just as soon as I prep up a newer photo insert for it. )


Bezel spacers.jpg

which is why I asked for both sides photos !!

After consulting my largest Crystal Ball and seeing the delay in the forthcoming photo, I had precursored that situation and just interjected my photo early on.

73s de Edd
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